Page 2 of Savage
Who? Who were they having sex with? I knew what sex was. I’d seen Ma do it a lot of times. To me, sex seemed a messy thing, with lots of grunting and sweat. Ma and Sandie appeared to enjoy it, but I didn’t get the attraction.
Sandie said it was time to fuck their guest again and left the kitchen.
Sneaking out, I followed, wanting to know where Sandie was going. My heart pounded as she headed to the shack. But still, I followed.
Sandie unlocked the padlock there and entered. Moments later, unhappy cries filled the air. I frowned. Why was someone inside?
Slowly and quietly, I crept closer and peered through the dirty window. A frightening and shocking scene met my eyes.
In the middle of the floor, a filthy bed held a naked, tied man.
Sandie approached him as I watched and played with his penis. Then, when it was hard, Sandie climbed on top and started moving.
The man kept yelling no, and saying he didn’t want it and was crying, but Sandie didn’t care as she moved and made moaning noises.
Terrified, I ran away and hid deeper in the trees, knowing that I’d seen something I shouldn’t have. What was happening in there was wrong.
Out of self-preservation, I stayed hidden, and Sandie eventually left, whistling happily. Again, I waited—and waited—before approaching the shack. Just to be safe.
Picking the lock was simple. I’d been taught how by Cletus a long time ago. He probably regretted showing me now. When I entered, the man inside began groaning.
“Not again. Why can’t you whores leave me alone?” he begged.
“Who are you?” I asked.
The man’s closed eyes flew open, and he stared.
“Shit, don’t tell me they’ve sent a child?”
“Why are you tied to the bed?”
The prisoner’s face changed, because that was what he was, and I saw something I didn’t quite recognise. I wondered if his expression was hope.
“Can you get me free? Those animals have abducted me. And they’re rap—making me do things I don’t want to do. Untie me, kid?”
“Cletus will beat me if I do something,” I said instantly.
“Look, I’ve been kidnapped. They want money. I’ve given them my ATM number, but they won’t let me go. Release me, kid, and I’ll run and get help and come back for you,” the man begged.
I sensed a lie, that if he escaped, he wouldn’t return for me.
“If Ma knows I was here, she’ll kill me. No, I’ll go get help,” I replied.
“Hey, set me free. The older bitch will be here soon, and I can’t stand the thought of my dick being inside that dirty cunt again. Please, let me go,” the man cried as he pulled at the ties binding him.
I shook my head and turned to run, but as I did, I saw a shiny object and snatched it up from the floor. I’d picked up the guy’s watch. Clenching it tightly, I fled through the door.
The guy yelled out behind me, but I locked him back in and kept running. I didn’t head home. That was far too dangerous. They’d know I’d discovered something I shouldn’t have. Ma always said my face couldn’t lie for shit.
I raced towards the stream instead, which was where I often hid. There was an old beaver den just under the waterline, and I’d long ago learned to hold my breath and duck beneath the water and pop up inside it.
That was my safe space, somewhere that allowed me to calm down, and I needed to think. I wasn’t stupid, I was eight, and I guessed what my family was doing was wrong. If I went home, they’d know I’d found the man. Even worse, he might tell them. I understood without a doubt that they were hurting the poor guy.
But he was a stranger to me. Why should I help him? Who knows, he might keep his mouth shut thinking I’d gone for help, but how long would that last?
No, the only option was to fetch the police, and I had to leave now. We were miles from town, and Cletus had two dogs that would hunt me down. But they wouldn’t look for me until tonight, maybe even tomorrow, because they didn’t care about me. That gave me a few hours to find help.
Reaching town would be a long walk, but it was the only place I could think of. That’s where the police lived, and I knew I needed them for the man. I pulled out the watch I’d picked up and turned it over, spotting letters on the back. I’d learned to read a long time ago, and despite Ma keeping me from school, I could still read. D. J. Ellison, the name stated.