Page 54 of Rage's Redemption
“Don’t tell Dylan; he needs to chase Marissa. I’ll phone Ezra. There may be allies close,” I stated, and cut the call. I grabbed my cell phone and typed in the code for the panic room behind my desk.
“Not a good time, Dana,” Ezra announced.
“The offices are under attack. There is only me and Leila here.”
“Fuck!” Ezra swore. “I’m on my way.”
“Be careful, there’s eight of them,” I replied.
Ezra ended the call, and I snatched my weapon from the desk and opened the panic room door. I placed extra clips inside my pockets and prepared myself to defend the offices and Leila.
Ezra swung his bike around, causing traffic to swerve, and saw a surprised look shot at him by Lex and Lowrider. He pumped his fist for them to follow and headed back towards RC. It would take him ten minutes to arrive. He hoped Dana would hole up somewhere and be safe. His phone rang in his ear, and Ezra answered.
“What the fuck, bro?” Lex demanded.
“Fangs are mounting a two-pronged attack. They are attacking Hawthorne’s offices. There are only Leila and Dana there,” Ezra explained quickly.
“Phone Chance, he’ll be entering the city now,” Lex replied and cut the call.
Ezra dialled Chance.
“Change of plans. Send Hellfire to Hawthorne’s offices. They’re under attack and there’s only Leila and Dana there. Lex, Lowrider, and I are heading back, but you’ll be closer,” Ezra said quickly.
“We’re two minutes out from there. See you there, brother,” Chance stated and hung up.
Ezra opened the throttle on his bike. His woman was in danger.
The assholes outside the door weren’t too happy at finding a huge metal barrier blocking them from entering. There was shouting, and gunshots slammed into it. Shoot all you want, I thought, you won’t get through that.
After a few seconds, they gave up shooting, and it all went quiet. There was a screen, but it was behind me, and I couldn’t watch it without taking my eyes off the entrance. And I wasn’t prepared to do that.
I heard a hissing noise and frowned. What the hell was that? Quickly, I ducked behind the heavy door. There was a loud bang and a flash, and I realised they’d blown the door open. The sound of metal tearing made me wince, and I could hear glass shattering and falling. A quick peek confirmed there was a huge hole in the metal door, and a Fang was sticking his head through it. I waited until I could sight two of them and then fired. The first fell with a bullet hole in his forehead, and the second lost his throat.
My shoulder screamed in agony from the recoil, despite the fact I was using my right hand to shoot. I swallowed the pain and watched carefully for their next move.
Their friends pulled them out of the way.
“Come out now, you motherfucking asshole. There’s more of us than you,” an asshole shouted.
I knew not to reply. My voice would reveal that I’m female. And while they didn’t know who was defending the offices, they’d be a lot more careful. Anyway, who the fuck carried explosives with them? Fucking lunatics.
“If you don’t wanna die, throw your weapon down and come out,” the man called again.
A barrage of bullets hit the office moments later, and I cowered back behind the door. What the hell was I thinking? I was no hero. I longed to slam the panic room door, but if they had explosives, they’d reach Leila. The locked and reinforced doors wouldn’t stop them with whatever they were using.
A head appeared, and I refrained from shooting. The panic room door was barely open. I had my gun poking through a gap, but from the angle at which they were looking, it would appear a solid wall.
“The fucker ran.” Someone chuckled, and the remaining six stepped into the office. “Blow that door.”
A tall, lanky man strode towards the door which led to the inner offices, and I took aim and fired. For a moment, the Fangs stood staring at the fallen brother, and then they whipped around and saw me. I got off one more shot before they stormed towards me, shooting. I slammed the door shut and dashed to the screen. Pulling up the office cameras, I could see them trying to get into the panic room.
They placed a small package on the door, and I watched as it exploded. Fear leapt into my throat, but when the smoke cleared, there was a tiny dent and not much else.