Page 47 of Rage's Redemption
“Okay,” I replied, not really bothered. It was all I could do to keep my eyes open.
“Dana, it’s going to hurt,” Ezra stated.
Of course it would. Why wouldn’t it?
“Just do it.”
Ezra nodded and set about sterilising the needled and thread. He was wrong. It freaking hurt a shitload, but I managed to stop from crying out. As Ezra finished, I closed my eyes and allowed weariness to claim me. I managed to pat Ezra’s hand before I did, to reassure him, and then I was away with the fairies.
Panic was welling inside as Ezra paced back and forth, waiting for help. Dana had blacked out when he’d stitched her up, and he hated causing her pain. If it wasn’t for her pulse steadily beating at Dana’s throat, he would be beyond panicked by now. Ezra knew the guys were riding, but they were hours away, and there was still someone out there who’d attacked them.
Ezra had assumed they were Fangs, but none wore a cut. And they moved professionally. Who the fuck were they? He and Dana had been lucky to escape. Ezra’s mind ticked back and forth as he paced. He fielded several calls. Hawthorne was moving, Rage were riding, and Jacob from Delta Force had called, and they were also coming. He’d been told to leave the bodies where they were. Jacob wanted to investigate them.
Ezra didn’t bother telling Jacob he had no intention of returning to the battlefield. For now, his plan was to lie low and watch over his woman. Should the attackers come here, he’d be ready. Ezra cast an eye over Dana, who was still out for the count, and Ezra couldn’t blame her. He’d seen the body of the guy with the knife sticking out of his throat, and Ezra hurt for Dana that she’d been put into such a predicament. Ezra already knew Dana would have nightmares about tonight, and he planned to be at her side until she recovered from them.
His woman wasn’t weak, but Dana was gentle, and tonight would haunt her. She’d taken two lives to save their own. That would plague any decent person, but Dana was more than decent, and Ezra wished he could have saved her this. Dana would rationalise it; it was a case of their lives or the attackers, but he knew it would eat her for a while.
Ezra’s plan to protect Dana had severely backfired, and he’d led her into danger. They’d have to return home just as the media was hitting a frenzied pitch. Dana’s family was all over the covers of the papers and was being torn apart. Their illegal crimes and activities were now fully brought into the light, and Ezra relished in their fall. They’d treated his woman like shit, after all. But he hadn’t wanted the media to chase Dana and once they returned, it would be open season on her.
Ezra wondered if they could stay at the clubhouse for now. It was a lot more comfortable than the old one, and Dana could easily reach Hawthorne’s offices within minutes. It was an idea; one he’d broach with her when she awoke.
Agitated again, Ezra walked over and checked Dana’s pulse. It remained steady. He longed for her to open her eyes but knew the longer she was under, the better for her. It gave Dana time to heal, and she’d need her strength moving forward. They all would.
Chapter Ten.
To say I was mildly unhappy when I awoke was an understatement. My shoulder felt like it was on fire, and I was cramped from lying on the sofa. As I sat up, a moan escaped, caused by the pain. Within seconds, Ezra was at my side and helping me sit up. Sharp fire shot down my arm, and I hissed even as Ezra pressed painkillers into my palm.
“Swallow them, babe; they’re the strongest I could find,” Ezra said as I shoved them into my mouth, and he handed me a glass of water.
I swallowed and blinked.
“How long have I been asleep?” I asked.
“A couple of hours. You were so tired, you completely crashed.”
“Sorry,” I whispered.
Crap, my throat hurt alongside my arm, and I sipped some more water.
“Don’t be; you needed the rest. Rage is two hours away, with Hawthorne following closely. Help will be here soon. Babe, how do you feel?”
“Shocked and in pain. How did the Fangs find us there?”
“Baby girl, I don’t think they were Fangs. None wore a cut.”
Puzzled, I stared at Ezra. Not Fangs? Then who the hell would want to attack us?
“That makes no sense.”
“Yeah, I know. The assholes moved like professionals. I made the mistake of thinking they were Fangs and nearly lost us both. Honestly, I’ve got no idea who they were, but they paid the price,” Ezra stated.
A flash of my knife sliding into the guy’s throat and then blood gushing over my hand made me flinch. Tears formed as I recalled the noises as he’d choked, and I winced. Ezra’s arms came around me, holding me tightly as he seemed to guess my thoughts.
“Baby, it was you or him. There was no choice. You chose right,” Ezra soothed, stroking my back.