Page 28 of Rage's Redemption
Kele winked at me as he picked up Mr Jackson by the collar of his shirt and marched him down the hallway.
“Help me!” the spineless coward shrieked.
I smiled and turned away. The one thing I did enjoy watching was people getting what they deserved. The former Mrs Jackson shouldn’t have a problem getting her child support now!
Chapter Six.
Quickly, I left the desk to go to the restroom on a break as Arturo watched the lines for a few moments. We never left the reception empty. I would always be the one to hit the panic button at the sign of trouble, mainly because it was my little realm that invaders would encounter first. Sure, they needed buzzing in, but it would be me who shut the offices down.
The panic button brought down metal shutters in front of the entrance doors and windows. Behind my desk was a panic room where I could safely lock myself in and wait for rescue. And nobody got past me without an appointment. Therefore, on returning to reception, I was horrified to see unwanted guests had snuck in.
Unprepared for this confrontation, I stumbled as they turned towards me. Arturo’s hand shot out and caught me, and he offered a concerned stare as I paled. By the desk were Queen Bitch One and Princess Skank Two. Aka, Mom and Shania. Both were sneering.
“Knew you were lying,” Mom crowed.
Arturo looked between us and quickly moved to my side.
With quiet dignity, I sat down as my brain worked furiously.
“Liar?” Arturo murmured. He sent a quick glance towards the CCTV. No doubt Dylan was being warned that Mom and Shania were here.
“Dana claimed to be working for Dylan Hawthorne as one of his people. She also lied and pretended to wear two-thousand-dollar Louboutins. What else did she lie about, Mama?” Shania asked as she checked Arturo out.
“Excuse me, I do work for Dylan Hawthorne as one of his team,” I murmured.
Inside, a shake began as my gut twisted. They’d clearly come here to create drama, and what would Dylan say? Dylan hated theatrics when his sister caused it. A member of staff? Oh hell, Dylan wouldn’t be amused.
“Go away. I’m at work, and you’ve no right to cause trouble,” I ordered.
Arturo’s head swivelled, and he placed a palm on my shoulder.
“Is that why you bitches are here?” Arturo demanded.
“No, we came to prove Dana a liar and have done so. Stupid Dana thought she’d pull the wool over everyone’s eyes, but now we realise she’s lying,” Shania said, smirking.
My temper rose, and I shrugged off Arturo’s hand. Hell, I was seeing red, and my blood felt like it was boiling. Storming around the desk, I lifted my foot and forced them to look down.
“The purple Louboutins, which I believe were mentioned the other week?”
Shania blanched as I reached for my handbag. “Genuine Gucci.” I made a point of saying.
“They’re fake,” Mom sneered.
“Sure, if you say so,” I jeered.
With purpose, I pulled out my license and then my gun.
“Suppose this is false, too.” I smirked at them.
Mom and Shania both took a step back as I placed the Glock carefully on the table. It wasn’t loaded, which was lucky because I’d want to shoot them.
Then, I held my paperwork up.
“One concealed licence with my name authorising me to carry. What’s the next thing you’ve accused me of lying about?” I demanded.
Mom and Shania opened their mouths, but through the door came Dylan with Davies and Max on his heels.