Page 15 of Rage's Redemption
“Seal it with a kiss?” Ezra teased and was out of his chair and pulling me into his arms before I could blink.
Ezra’s body was hard against mine, and he smelt divine. I barely came to under his chin, but he tipped my head backwards and claimed my mouth in a gentle but searing hot kiss. It seemed to last forever as I curled my fingers into his tee and pushed closer.
Ezra’s cock was soon hard against my stomach, and I responded in kind. Patrick had never aroused me like Ezra did, and my pussy was standing up and applauding Ezra on his length, thickness, and his skill at kissing.
“Oh Christ, when you look like that, all I want to do is strip you naked and feast on you. But I won’t rush this, not going to ruin what’s the most beautiful thing in my life,” Ezra murmured against my lips.
Slowly, I opened my eyes, and Ezra’s beautiful eyes held me captive. They were warm, soft, and heated.
“So how about we go for a ride, and then we’ll eat your dinner?” Ezra asked.
I hesitated.
“What?” Ezra demanded.
“I’ve never been on a bike.”
“Only Lindsey has ever been on mine. No woman rides behind me unless she’s my old lady,” Ezra replied.
“It’s a bit soon to say that,” I demurred, ducking my head.
Ezra tilted my chin up and held my gaze. “No, it ain’t.”
“Okay,” I said happily, and Ezra smiled. Damn, he did look like Robert Downey Junior, just taller and broader.
“Change to some thicker jeans, baby. Those are too thin if we take a tumble. Put a long-sleeved top, and keep your hair tied back. The wind will make it a snarled mess,” Ezra ordered, running fingers through my long brown hair.
I didn’t hesitate and dashed upstairs to my bedroom, where I ripped my clothes off and dressed as Ezra had instructed. I hated taking the shoes off but put on some cute ankle boots I’d bought.
When I came back downstairs, Ezra was lounging on the couch, looking very comfortable. His eyes wandered up and down my body, and his mouth opened and closed.
“Never seen you in jeans, baby. Holy shit,” Ezra murmured. “Turn around.”
I did, and Ezra made a strangled noise.
“Fuck, no more jeans for you.”
My heart dropped, and I wondered if I looked awful.
“Any single male sees that ass, I’m gonna kill him,” Ezra continued. “Long tops or no jeans. Shapeless sacks would be preferable.”
I laughed, and Ezra stopped muttering and stared.
“Only ever heard you laugh like that once, and it’s better than my memory,” Ezra said, getting to his feet. “I turned dinner off. It looked like it was cooked.”
Ezra’s phone rang with Drake’s ring tone, and he sent a scowl at his pocket as he dragged it out.
My face fell a little. Typical. I bet something was going down.
A little bummed, I walked into the kitchen to ensure everything was turned off and then began draining and placing it into food boxes. It would save until later.
“Yo,” Ezra growled out from behind, looking pissed off. I’d not even realised he’d followed.
I sighed and began planning the rest of my night without Ezra.
“You got to be fuckin’ kidding me…? Why the fuck me…? Sure, I get to deal with the maniac…! Whatever, Drake, I’ll take a ride out there,” Ezra snapped and stared at me.
“Everything okay?” I whispered, trying not to show my disappointment.