Page 12 of Rage's Redemption
In disbelief, I shook my head.
“You will never reach the level of manliness that Ezra possesses. He’d never cheat or lie to me or about me. He’ll always look after me. Ezra would never let me down, and he most certainly won’t fuck Shania!” I hissed.
I thought I heard a chuckle, but I concentrated on Patrick and getting him out of my house before Ezra turned up.
“Baby, you were frigid. Maybe I should have spent some time warming you up, but you were so shy,” Patrick sneered.
It hit me that that’s all Patrick did, sneer. Patrick looked down upon everyone. How the hell had I been in love with this douche?
“Ezra will arrive soon, so I want you to leave. Say what you need to and go.”
Patrick took the stance that he thought showed him to be a sexy man and instead made him look a twit. With effort, I managed to stop myself from laughing.
“Baby, I was under stress at work.”
I rolled my eyes as Patrick placed the blame elsewhere.
“Dana, I was worried about how you would manage being my wife in the public eye so much. Shit, I didn’t love Shania; that was just sex. Dana, I thought if I tried to show you how I liked sex, you’d run in fear, and I loved you too much for that.”
“Uh-huh,” I muttered.
Patrick took a step forward, and I retreated.
“The truth is, I never stopped loving you. When I saw you last night, it hurt to look at you, and honey, you are beautiful, not superficial like Shania. Listen, I’m going to divorce her, and I want to sort this mess out with you and me. You’ve changed a lot. You look better, and you’re more assertive. You would fit into my life now,” Patrick stated.
Damn, Patrick was so confident that he was all that. I laughed. I couldn’t help myself.
“One, you fucked Shania for the whole five years we were together. It was not a one-night stand. That was a long-term relationship. It wasn’t something that just happened; it was pre-meditated. Two, you were only with me for the money. I’m not stupid.
“Three, why on earth do you think I would start a relationship with you? You’re used goods. You have fucked anything and everything in a skirt. If you believe you’re putting your diseased dick anywhere near me again, you’re seriously mistaken.”
Irritated, I leaned forward, intent on making a point.
“Four, I fit into your life? Patrick, I don’t want your damn life. I like mine. Mine is freaking fantastic. Shit, I shouldn’t have to change myself to fit into a man’s life. He should love and accept me as I am. Finally, number five, I have a man who means the world to me.”
I mentally crossed my fingers and continued, “Ezra makes me laugh and smile. He does things for me without me asking. I don’t even have to ask Ezra to have my back. Ezra just has it; he’s there without a word. Shit, Patrick, Ezra treats me like a princess.”
“Honey, you can’t seriously believe he’s the one for you? He’s nothing! Christ, I know your friends were messing around. As if that loser could buy you a pair of two-thousand-dollar shoes. The asshole had grease under his nails, for God’s sake. And after your money? You said it was tied up until you were thirty.” Patrick’s eyes narrowed.
With impeccable timing, Ezra strolled into the lounge, sweeping me up and laying one on me. When Ezra released me, he stroked my cheek and gave me a smile before handing me a bag. I peered inside and nearly bunny-hopped around. It was the shoes!
I’d seen them over two months ago but couldn’t forgive wasting so much money on them. Ignoring Patrick and letting out a squeal, I pulled them out of the box, yanked my socks off, and shoved them on.
I was admiring them on my feet when Ezra’s vibes hit me.
Patrick glared, and Ezra glowered back. Patrick was standing with his hands on hips and puffed up chest, while Ezra leaned against my door jamb, ankles crossed and arms folded. He had nothing on Ezra.
“Dinner smells great, honey,” Ezra muttered, still giving Patrick the stink eye.
I gulped and nodded.
“What are you doing here?” Ezra snarled.
“Talking to Dana, she can do better than you,” Patrick sneered.
“Don’t see you giving my woman a pair of two-thousand-dollar shoes. Do see my lady wearing a pair I am giving her,” Ezra drawled, looking smug.
“You’re a grease monkey with no future! I’m in finance!” Patrick puffed up his chest further.