Page 5 of The Duke's Surprise Heir
Henry sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation.”
“Guess I don’t,” Ricky replied, adding a casual shrug. “What does it matter if they found a body? None of this will come back on us. I paid off the police and they’re keeping their mouths shut.”
“Including the fact that no one was seen driving away from the fire?” Henry pointed out. “You paid them to keep quiet about you setting fire to the woman’s barn. I doubt they’ll be as firm in their silence now that a dead body has been discovered.”
Ricky tilted his head, then tossed his half-smoked cigarette onto the ground. A moment later, he jumped onto the cement floor, landing directly on the still smoking cigarette. “Look, asshole! There wasn’t anyone in the house. Whatever the cops found, it wasn’t a human body. And who cares if a dog or a horse dies? Just buy a new damn dog! There are plenty at the pound just waiting for some idiot to bring ‘em home.” He jerked the lapels of his leather jacket straight. “None of my business. You asked me to scare the bitch into keeping her nose out of our business. I did it. You paid me and we’re done.” He grinned, the sunshine sparking off his fake gold tooth. “Until you need some other job done to make your life better, that is.”
Henry watched the grubby bastard walk away, gritting his teeth at the swagger. If he had the cohones, Henry would kill Ricky and no one would even notice that the vermin was gone!
But Henry didn’t have the nerve to kill someone, which is why he had to depend on aforementioned vermin to do the nasty tasks.
Henry turned on his thousand dollar loafer, walking in the opposite direction. He didn’t want to see Ricky again. Especially after that last part about killing animals. Henry owned three beautiful golden retrievers that were the perfect companions. All they wanted to do was to catch tennis balls, eat food, and cuddle in the evening.
Dogs were a hell of a lot better than a wife! Especially his. Henry glanced at his watch, a snarl forming on his thin lips. Louise was probably getting her nails done right about now. Afterwards, she’d visit the hair salon and then meet a conniving coven of like-minded witches for a three martini lunch.
And guess who paid for those manicures and martinis?
He thought about the large sum of money that had been deposited into a Swiss bank account two days ago and smiled, the tension easing from his shoulders. That money was all his. When he had enough accumulated, Henry vowed to divorce his wife, find a warm beach and a woman with low morals and a negligible bank account that would let him do whatever he wanted to her bodacious body.
Everyone had a goal, he thought as he slipped behind the wheel of his black Mercedes.
Chapter 3
Macie stretched, feeling better than she had in a long time. Her muscles still ached, but the painful, bone-deep exhaustion that had been her constant companion even before Kyle’s birth was…!
“Kyle!” she gasped, sitting up and looking around for her infant son. Both hands moved to her breasts, which ached as they filled with milk.
“He’s right here,” a male voice announced. “You’re safe and Kyle is hale and hearty.”
Macie looked around and found Edward sitting on the floor with Kyle in his lap. There were several toys scattered around, some of which Macie recognized and others which were unfamiliar.
“How do you feel?”
Macie lifted her eyes, her mouth falling open as she watched Edward pick up another toy, a strange orange and zebra-striped ring, which Kyle proceeded to stuff as much of as possible into his tiny mouth.
“Um…!” How did she feel? “Better. Thank you.”
“Good.Are you hungry?”
Her stomach growled in reply and she rolled her eyes. “Yes, but…I need to feed Kyle,” she told him.
“I made a bottle for him about an hour ago and he drank the whole thing.” Edward patted Kyle’s round tummy. “He’s full.”
“Great,” Macie groaned, then felt the wetness on her front. Damn it, she was leaking! “Darn it!” she grumbled, looking around for a solution. Her “milk maid” bag, the breast pump she’d bought specifically for this purpose, was back home, most likely a lump of melted plastic now.
“What’s wrong?”
She shook her head. “Where’s a bathroom?” she asked, her voice a bit panicked now.
Edward pointed to the opposite end of the massive room. “Down that hallway to the right.”
Macie jumped up and hurried in the direction he’d pointed, praying that he didn’t notice the wet circles on her old, ragged tee-shirt. Thankfully, the cargo jacket she’d found at a thrift store hid her leaking breasts.
Edward watched as Macie hurried out of the room. She’d only slept for four hours. Surely she needed another eight or ten hours to fully recover from whatever she’d gone through. She still looked tired, but maybe she just needed a bathroom and something to eat.
“Do you think we should get your momma some food?” he asked the baby.
Kyle bounced his hands in the air and giggled. “I think you’re right. A grilled cheese sandwich is exactly what she needs.”