Page 32 of The Duke's Surprise Heir
Yes, she missed Edward. He was just down the hallway, but Macie refused to go to him. Yesterday’s passion had been unexpected and…she bit her lip as she tried to figure out what had changed. Because something had changed. The world seemed…different somehow.
She missed being around him. Macie missed seeing him smile when Kyle did something cute. She missed just…being with him!
She also missed Kyle. Several days ago, Macie would have reveled in the freedom. She’d been locked in her house for three months, trying to figure out this mothering thing. Her breasts had ached, she’d only found the energy and time to shower every few days, and she’d missed meals because she’d been so exhausted. Of course, she’d had plenty of time to watch television. She now knew the price of several grocery store items because of the mindless television watching she’d done while trying not to burst into tears.
“What’s going on with me?” she hissed, running her fingers through her hair as she bowed her head in frustration.
Lifting her head, she realized that the wanting, the desire…no, the need to be with Edward, in his arms and in his presence, was dangerous.
“You’re just a lazy slob!” crashed through her head, memories of her parents fighting. “And you’re just an ugly, old hag!” her father would bellow in response. The insults were constant whenever they were around each other.
“Stop it!” she told herself firmly. Unfortunately, her subconscious wasn’t in an obedient mood. “You’re going to figure this out!” she said, louder this time and laid her fingers on the keyboard.
Thankfully, something clicked and she was finally able to concentrate. For the next three hours, she flipped through the various screens and data, then a thought occurred to her. After that, she knew what she needed to do.
Edward glanced at his watch, Kyle by his side, lying on his new play mat. “I think it’s time to get Mommy some lunch. What do you think?” he asked the little guy.
Kyle wasn’t overly enthusiastic about anything other than kicking at the toys above him, his tiny legs bending and stretching.
“Let’s go, big boy!” he cooed, scooping Kyle into his arms.
In the kitchen, Ms. Kealy already had chicken noodle soup and vegetables steaming on the stove. As soon as he walked in, she smiled and pulled a loaf of bread from the oven.
“This is perfect!” he said, nodding.
“Why don’t you let me hold the little lordling while you enjoy your soup,” she offered. “And maybe, ye could share the meal with Ms. Meyers?”
Edward happily handed Kyle over to his housekeeper. “I think that’s a great idea,” he agreed, then lifted the tray filled with two soup bowls, freshly sliced bread, and a small bowl of softened butter.
“I also have cookies for dessert, if ye’re interested,” Ms. Kealy announced, as she headed into a small room off the kitchen, which held a desk and computer. Edward knew she used that room as an office, to prepare menus and grocery lists, and also to organize contractors if maintenance was needed. He suspected there were a few baby toys stashed away in there as well.
Edward carried the tray to his office, eager to see Macie. After yesterday’s passionate interlude, the evening had been slightly awkward between them. He was determined to fix that.
How he was going to accomplish that goal was a mystery. But Edward had overcome other challenges. And Macie was more important than anything else he’d done.
Knocking on his office door with his foot, he paused, then heard, “Yes!” coming from inside. He wasn’t sure if it was an invitation to enter or success at finding something. Edward pushed the door open with his foot, carrying the tray inside.
“What’s going on?” he asked, setting the tray down on the side of the desk that wasn’t covered with papers.
“I think I found something!” Macie called out, almost dancing in the chair. “Look at this,” she said, pointing to the screen. “This flight,” she said, pointing to a flight that landed in Frankfurt several hours ago. “The flight manifest shows one weight. And my program calculated the required fuel for the distance, wind speeds, and weight of the cargo.”
Edward nodded. “Yeah. What’s so special about this one?”
“For some reason,” she tapped some keys and a new screen popped up, “the Philadelphia warehouse manager added fifty more gallons of fuel to the flight at the last minute. Why?” she asked, looking up at Edward. “Plus, the weight of the cargo doesn’t match. And if you look at this,” she pointed to another line, “Why were these boxes taken off the flight? They were supposed to be on the Germany flight.” She clicked another screen. “They are now scheduled to be loaded onto this flight that leaves in thirty minutes.”
Macie turned, eagerly looking up at Edward. “This is it! This is the clue that I’ve been looking for!”
“Is that enough?”
She shook her head. “It’s not enough yet. But it gives me a starting point.” She clicked again. “Didn’t you say that Antonio del Campo, your partner, is heading to Frankfurt?”
“He’s already there. I spoke to him this morning.”
“Can he get to this flight? Can he look at the cargo and find out what’s in these boxes?” she clicked the keys and the printer chugged to life. “I can give him the exact location on the plane where the boxes should be.”
“I’m on it!” Edward replied, grabbing the printout. He was just about to turn and head out of the office when he stopped and turned back to her. “Eat!” he commanded, then bent down and kissed her. “Have I mentioned lately that you’re brilliant?”
Macie sighed with…happiness?Success?