Page 27 of The Duke's Surprise Heir
Macie glanced towards the kitchen and he could see the longing in her eyes. But she shook her head. “I don’t want to bother her with any special requests. A bowl of cereal is fine.”
He chuckled at the idea of “bothering” his housekeeper with a meal request. “I guarantee that the only thing that would bother Ms. Kealy is if you didn’t ask her to fix you something. She loves to cook and enjoys a challenge. How about pancakes?”
Macie considered that for a moment. Finally, she looked up at him hopefully. “With maple syrup?”
He laughed, but nodded. “I’ll go buy some at the store myself if there isn’t any in the house.”
“Oh, don’t do that!” she gasped, sitting up and accidently dislodging Kyle. He squawked a moment before latching on again.
Macie’s face turned beet red when she noticed that Edward was staring at her breast. “Edward?”
He looked up, his jaw clenching tightly. He looked into her eyes and…yes! It was still there! Last night hadn’t abated their passion for each other. It had actually intensified his need. Apparently, she felt the same way.
“I’ll go ask Ms. Kealy for pancakes,” he announced, then abruptly turned around, heading towards the kitchen.
Macie stared after him, her skin tingling with awareness after that heated look. Could he…was he still…? “Edward!” she sighed, leaning back as she held Kyle gently in her arms, trying to get the idea of another round of sex with Edward out of her mind.
Henry rubbed his hands together, eagerly anticipating the next order. “When do you need it shipped?” he asked.
“The shipment needs to arrive in Frankfurt by the twentieth. My men will pick up the crates at the airport in Germany as soon as it lands. We have a way of getting the crates off your planes and skirting the inspections officers.”
“Please give me tips on that,” Henry said with a laugh, only half joking.
There was only silence on the other end. Henry cleared his throat and tried to think of something to say. “So, when will the crates arrive here at my warehouse? I need to inform my guy so that he’s ready to receive them.” He wanted to add that he also had a way of skirting the inspections officers, but didn’t think the man would be interested. The mysterious person on the other end of the line only wanted results. He didn’t want details.
“The crates are on the way to your warehouse now. Be sure Gilly,” he sneered the warehouse manager’s name, “is prepared to receive them. There will be ten crates. You can handle this large of a shipment?”
Henry literally saw dollar signs in front of his eyes. It was like a comic strip and definitely pathetic. Remembering that the contact wanted confirmation, Henry pulled himself together. “I’ll see to it personally.”
“Excellent. I’ll pass your personal reassurance on to my boss.” And then call ended.
Henry wanted to tell the man to go to hell, but there was too much money involved.
Turning, he faced his window and gazed out at the Philadelphia airport in the distance. But he wasn’t seeing the planes landing and taking off. Henry was thinking about the blond beauty that would replace the nagging wife that constantly bothered him. Loretta, his wife, was a lawyer and relentlessly nagged him to lose weight, head to the gym, stop drinking, eat less red meat. Blah blah blah!
Just because she went for a run or headed off to the gym every damn morning, didn’t mean that everyone enjoyed exercise! He looked down at the paunch that was hanging over his belt. He poked at his stomach, then chuckled at the vanity.
“I look fine!” he told himself. “She’s just a raging bi-”
“Sir, your meeting with the Tokyo office is waiting.”
“Damn it!” Henry growled. He looked up to find his administrative assistant standing in the doorway. “Thanks, Vivien,” he called back, sitting down at his desk. “Tell Howard in Tokyo that I’ll be with him in a minute.”
Vivien hesitated and Henry snapped, “Was there something else?”
Vivien’s lips thinned with disapproval at his tone, but Henry wanted the woman gone from his office. He wanted just two minutes to revel in his anticipated wealth. No, not just his wealth, but he couldn’t wait for all of the young, nubile beauties that would flock to him because he’d be rich! And he could kick Loretta to the curb.
Maybe not the curb. His wife, soon to be ex-wife, would sue him for half of their property. But maybe with his newfound wealth, he could convince a judge that his wife was crazy and vindictive. He chuckled at the thought. Yeah, that would be deserved justice for all of the nagging she did every damn morning! “I only say this because I love you!” she’d say every time she urged him to lose weight. “I want to live a long, wonderful life with you!” was another one of her annoying sayings. Or the worst was, “I can’t wait until we both retire and we can spend more time together!”
As if he wanted to live with a woman who constantly nagged him! Loretta was just a royal pain in the ass!
Soon though, very soon, he would be surrounded by blond beauties that would provide a blow job whenever he ordered one. They would get down on their knees and…!
“What?” he snapped.
Vivien blinked, but seemed unfazed otherwise. “I was saying,” she emphasized that last word, implying that she’d been speaking while Henry had been fantasizing about getting three or four blow jobs every day for the rest of his life. “…that Sean Byrne asked for a half hour of your time after your meeting with the Tokyo staff.”