Page 68 of It Destroys Me
My eyes drifted down his body, seeing the bruising that couldn’t be ignored. “What happened?”
He didn’t glance to check the area, like he knew exactly what I was referring to. “I fell.”
“You fell?”
“Bolton released poisonous gas into the building, so I had to jump.”
“Jump where?”
“Out the window.”
“Oh my god.”
“I landed on the roof of a car. Got lucky, because if I’d hit the concrete, I probably would have broken a couple things.”
My hands automatically went to my face, and I closed my eyes as I tried to get the horrible image out of my head.
“Sweetheart.” His hands grabbed my wrists and gently pulled them from my face. “I’m fine.”
“You don’t look fine.”
“I’ve had worse, believe me.”
“Still not making me feel better…”
He smirked again before he released me. “In a couple weeks, it’ll fade, and we’ll forget about it.”
“How did you kill Carson?”
His lightheartedness immediately evaporated. “She released a gas grenade, so I had to take her mask or die. She didn’t think her plan through very well.”
“So, you ripped it off her face?”
“Yes. I don’t feel bad about it. I would have spared her if I could, but she gave me no choice.”
“You shouldn’t.” I felt bad for her, but for different reasons. I didn’t know what Bolton had told her, but it was probably all lies. “She made her choice.”
“I’m glad you don’t think I’m a monster.”
He was the size of a monster. He looked like a monster in some ways. But he was nothing like Bolton. “He’s the monster.”
We finished in the shower and moved to the bedroom. I’d only been gone for two days, but it felt so much longer than that. When I looked at the bed, it felt like I hadn’t seen it in years.
Theo set his things on the nightstand like he did every night, his phone and his watch. Then he pulled back the covers so he could get inside the sheets. He was buck naked, so he obviously didn’t plan to sleep. He moved to the center of the bed, sitting up against the headboard, his hard dick against his stomach. He looked at me expectantly, like a horse waiting for its rider.
I gently climbed on top of him, careful not to touch anything on his right side since he was bruised and had a gunshot wound in his shoulder. I focused on the left side of his body, placing my hands against his chest, looking at the hunk of muscle that was all mine.
His hands gripped my ass cheeks, and he pulled me in to kiss me. His lips moved with mine before he gave me his tongue, hungry for my kiss, hungry for my body. His big hands continued to grip my cheeks hard, pulling them apart. One of his hands curled underneath, and his long fingers reached my clit. That was how big his hands were, that they could snake around my body like that.
He rubbed my clit as he continued to kiss me, his big dick twitching in anticipation. His mouth claimed mine and took the lead. It would have been one of those nights where he did all the work if his shoulder allowed it. But it would take at least a couple days for it to heal enough for him to use.
His hand lifted me to where he wanted me, and he pointed his thick head at my entrance. Then he tugged me down and forced me to sheathe him, to squeeze him, something big being wedged into a small place.
I winced and breathed as I took him.
And he just watched. He guided me farther down until there was no more room for him. “Ride my dick, sweetheart.” His arms curled underneath my thighs like he’d done in the past, ready to support me so I could keep bouncing up and down his length without having to stop.
My hand gripped his good shoulder, while my other palm planted on his chest for balance. I moved down until it hurt then bounced up again, able to move at a steady pace because of the assistance he provided.