Page 53 of Muerte
Nicolette was bent over in front of the chair, gripping its velvet arms so tightly there was an indent from her nails. Her face was pale and streaked with silent tears. The skirt of her dress was lifted, exposing her ass and the deep, bloodied marks now marring her skin where it had split apart.
My arrival didn’t stop whatever was happening. Alexander landed another painful blow to the back of her thighs. The blackened instrument in his hand resembled an iron rod with a serpent wound around it. As it made contact, Nicolette stifled another cry and my heart clenched, pushing me into action.
“Stop it!” I rushed across the room without thinking and grabbed Alexander by the arm. He turned towards me and I braced myself, expecting the worst, sucking in a surprised gasp when he simply pulled me into an embrace with one arm.
I could hear Nicolette’s ragged breaths but could no longer see her.
"Get her out of my house.” With an authoritative command, Alexander directed Esther to escort Nicolette away, their exchange carrying an unspoken understanding.
He didn’t release me until they were both gone. When he stepped back, I stood there in the aftermath of the tense encounter.
“Come with me.” His voice cut through the charged air, silencing me before I could question what I’d just seen. He gently guided me away from the room, setting the sinister-looking rod down just inside the door. I followed him numbly, my mind racing to process what had just unfolded.
He led me to the upstairs bedroom, the darkness outside providing a stark contrast to the warmth within.
Carefully, he sat me on the chaise and settled himself beside me. Flames danced in the fireplace a few feet away, casting their warm glow across the room. Alexander's voice broached the quiet as he posed a question that he likely already knew the answer to. "What did you think was happening?"
I didn’t answer straight away, forcing myself to remain staring at the flames as the intensity of his gaze seemed to pierce through any pretense, prompting me to admit the truth that had flitted through my mind. "I thought... I thought it might be... something much worse.”
“Did you think I was fucking her?”
My face felt hot, but I would be blaming the fireplace for that. “I had a different word in mind.”
A deep, resonant chuckle rumbled from his chest. “I think you’ve been given the wrong impression of me.”
“I don’t agree.”
“I could have her legs spread and begging for me with a few words, deliciae, without having to touch her. Even now.”
I swung my gaze to his. “That’s disgusting.”
He reached out and caught my chin. "I haven’t laid as much as a finger on another woman in a very long time, and I never will. Not when I have you," he stated, his tone carrying a firm conviction and sincerity that I couldn't dismiss.
I found myself caught between the conflicting currents of his magnetic allure and the reality of my captivity. Before I could further analyze his words, he continued, addressing the topic that had unnerved me.
“Why did you do that to her? What did she break that was so important?”
“You are adorably naïve.” He leaned in and kissed me, his lips gently pressing against mine.
Drawing back, he shook his head slightly, a subtle smile teasing his mouth.
"Nicolette’s discipline was a result of your emotional distress.”
“What do you mean? She didn’t do anything to me.”
“We both know that’s not true. She made remarks to you throughout the day that—” He stopped himself abruptly and took a breath. “She shouldn’t be alive at all. I saw that look on your face and wanted to tear her apart for putting it there.”
Confusion creased my brow, and my lips parted slightly in astonishment. It was only the second time I had witnessed this man, usually so composed, show signs of disturbance. Both instances were related to what he perceived as my suffering. At any other moment, his calm and collected demeanor was so steadfast, he might as well have been sculpted from iron, given his unyielding composure.
“How is it you can hurt me but no one else can?”
“It’s completely different.”
“Because I’m yours?”
“Yes,” he replied swiftly, either missing my bitter sarcasm or ignoring it. “I’ll do anything to keep you safe, both mentally and physically.”