Page 24 of Muerte
It hit the ground with a clatter that echoed from behind me as I ran. My heart beat at a frenetic pace as I sprinted through the intricate corridors of a home I’d greatly underestimated in size. I had no idea where I was going. The only thought in my head was getting away—from him. From this place.
Each footfall seemed to reverberate through the halls, carrying a resonance of my determination and fear. I dashed into a grand foyer that was bathed in the golden glow of sunrise and hurried to a set of elaborate black doors that I hoped would lead me outside.
I swore harshly when neither opened.
They had been locked with some unseen mechanism. But there had to be another way out of this house. It was far too nice to only have one entry point. I shoved away from the doors and raced out of the room, reducing its grandeur to a blur of arches. I was terrified that with one wrong turn, I’d be caught by a dead end.
I burst into another open room and came to such an abrupt stop I nearly tripped over myself. A sob lodged in my throat as I was greeted by a breathtaking view. A vast, shimmering lake stretched endlessly in front of me.
I knew I’d been taken far away, somewhere near a body of water. I never imagined it would be this isolated or unfamiliar. There wasn’t a single other house in sight. The view brought a newfound understanding and daunting recollection.
The wine he gave me had been imported from an island. If I was there…No. I couldn’t be trapped somewhere like that. I refused to believe it.
His sudden presence enveloped me in dread. Slowly, I turned to face him. He was a dark angel, emerging into a swathe of daylight. His beautiful eyes held something dark and inscrutable as they locked onto mine with an unsettling intensity. He moved with an unnerving grace, closing the distance between us effortlessly and without urgency.
“Why did you run? You’ve got nothing to be afraid of.”
“You’re insane!”
“Am I?” He laughed , a blend of seduction and malice that defied explanation. It effectively cemented me in place. His gaze traveled over me and sent shivers down my spine.
I’d never had a man look at me like this—unyielding and possessive.
“You have no idea how beautiful you are, even when you’re terrified.” In a heartbeat, I found myself in his arms. His embrace wasn’t harsh, but I felt the confinement of it all the same. He was solid and fit, capable of easily crushing me while his cologne and natural scent were intoxicating.
“Did you honestly think I’d let you get away from me, deliciae?”
His voice was chidingly soft. I expected anger or violence for trying to escape. Instead, he pulled me into his chest and began to affectionately stroke the top of my head with one hand. “I’ve told you twice and now I’m telling you again. You’re exactly where you belong.”
I couldn’t voice a response, afraid if I opened my mouth, I would release the scream building in my chest. I remained in his embrace for an indefinite amount of time, and all the while he continued to stroke my head and hold me.
I began to feel like I had when I first woke and discovered the chain. I was ensnared by a predator that seemed to enjoy doting on its prey. I’d endangered myself by running away. I wasn’t going to risk doing anything else.
“I think you’ve had enough freedom.” Without any strain, he scooped me up as if I were a doll and carried me out of the room.
He shut me away again. The chain was back too. He’d fastened it around my ankle with such gentleness one might think it was a rare piece of jewelry instead of a restraint.
I didn’t understand him. I couldn’t think clearly enough to try to, and even if I could, I wasn’t sure it would matter. All I wanted was to go home—back to the cramped and cozy apartment I shared with my best friend. I wanted to wake up after hitting the snooze button and blast my Adele vinyl while getting ready for work.
But I wasn’t going to waste time fooling myself into thinking that would happen.
The man who brought me here was insistent I belonged with him. I didn’t want to care about that, but I was having trouble doing otherwise. It was no exaggeration that I’d seen hundreds of guests while working at the resort, but I knew I had never met him before. I wouldn’t have forgotten someone who made me so self-aware simply by existing.
His presence was impossible to ignore, and I wasn’t so innocent that I was oblivious to the way he looked at me. His eyes held a dangerous desire that both unsettled and—loathe as I was to admit—intrigued. But that didn’t change my circumstances. My captivity hung over me like a dark, suffocating cloud.
I rolled onto my side and stared at the wall. Each minute stretched into an eternity. The stagnant silence had returned, interrupted only by my troubled thoughts.
I dozed off at some point, waking when soft whispers penetrated my dreamless state. I immediately sat up and looked towards the door. Two unfamiliar faces greeted me, both smiling warmly. One dark haired and the other a honey blonde, they couldn’t have been much older than I was.
The way they were dressed instantly caught my attention. I could tell right away they weren’t like the woman that had spit in my food not just from their clothing, but how they carried themselves.
“Hello! I’m Esther and this is Nicolette,” the one with dark hair exclaimed with a bright smile, gesturing towards her friend, who was a dead ringer for Jessica Alba.
“You can call me Nikki,” Nicolette added, her demeanor more reserved but no less good-natured.
“I’m so glad I can finally meet you!” Esther gushed as she fully entered the room.