Page 9 of Shut the F*ck Up and Take this D*ck Like a Good Girl
“Because she wouldn’t put out?” Crossing my arms, I can still smell her cream in the whiskers on my face. I’m confident she’s feeling my burn on the insides of her thighs right now.
“She’s been fucking leading me on for months!” he shouts, tossing back another shot of cheap vodka.
“From what Ma said, she made it clear from the beginning she was waiting for marriage.” Listening to him bitch about my girl only adds fuel to the fire of my rage, and I’m ready to fucking snap.
He scoffs. “That’s what all the virgins say. They never mean it.” I can’t withhold my eye roll.
“If you want a whore, Marky, go downtown. There’s plenty. Back the fuck off this girl, and get over yourself.” One more cross word about my Piper, and I’ll break his fucking nose.
“I don’t want the diseases.” He scowls at me, waving a hand in the air like he’s swatting those same diseases away.
“I’m getting married tonight,” I finally reveal. “Small ceremony at my place. If you’re coming, sober the fuck up because I won’t tolerate you fucking shit up with my bride. We clear?” His eyes widen in shock. It’s comical. He looks like a cartoon character with the way his mouth hangs open, and he’s stopped blinking, with his glass halfway to his lips.
“You, married?” Marcus erupts into laughter before realizing I’m serious, and he sobers up.
“Nine o’clock. If you’re late, don’t show up.” Piper will be pissed with me, with the way things are about to play out, because she has no idea what’s going to happen, let alone who will be there.
Once I’ve picked her up from school and have her occupied, I’ll give her friend a call and make sure she’s there as well. From what I can tell, Hael is her only friend and is more like a sister, has been since they met. I’d hate not to include her.
Leaving my brother’s house, I spot Piper’s purse and grab it on my way out the door. He’s such a self-absorbed asshole that I doubt he’d even notice if I waved it in his face.
After making a few more calls on my way to a dress shop, knowing precisely what Piper would want to wear this evening, I finally catch my breath. After selecting four dresses, this way Piper can have the choice and still surprise me, I pack them in the back of the truck and head home to finish preparing the house.
When I told Ma what was happening tonight, she was hesitant until I described Piper to her, and she fell in love with my woman before even knowing who it was. I’m not surprised, Ma has always been an in-the-feels kind of woman. She knows what she wants or likes and goes right for it. There’s never been a doubt that she has wanted me to settle down with a woman precisely like Piper for nearly a decade now.
The only person I have to worry about tonight is my bride. She might pitch a fit when she realizes who I am and what my plans are. She might run from me, and then I’ll be forced to give chase and hold her captive.
Admittedly, the idea has some exciting merit, so I’m not sure I’d complain too loudly about keeping her against her will. I know I can make her want to stay as long as I’m able to get my mouth between her legs.
With the ceremony being so late in the evening and wanting to spend the night bringing my new wife unearthly pleasures, I’ve decided to book a table for Piper, my parents, and me at one of the nicest restaurants in town on Sunday evening. It’ll give me a few days to fuck my way through my wife and get her used to my dick and the cravings I have that involve her. Like triple dipping my dick. Coming down her throat, then right into her womb, and finally taking her succulent little ass.
Piper has turned me into a beast I hardly know, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Twenty minutes are left before having to pick her up, so I head to our room and set out all the candles I plan to light for our evening together. Thankfully, they’re battery-operated and connect to one remote. While the real thing would be more romantic, it would take forever to light them all.
With the mood set, I return to my truck to pick up Piper. As I’m sitting in the parking lot, waiting for her to come out, I send a text to Hael, telling her that I have a special evening planned for Piper and where and what time she should come over. She’s skeptical and curious about how the hell I got her number, but ultimately, she’s excited and types out more questions than I can answer before I spot the two of them coming out of the building.
Behind Piper’s back, she gives me a quick thumbs up as I start walking towards them. “Gorgeous.” I greet Piper with a kiss on her cheek and a possessive hold on the back of her neck.
“Uhm, Galen, this is my friend Hael. I didn’t get to introduce you two earlier.” Her cheeks flame red as she remembers just what I did to her in the back of that limo. One I’d rented for that exact scenario.
“Nice to meet you.” Offering her a hand, she turns mine to get a look at my ring finger, and I grin. I like this girl.
“How old are you, Galen?” Hael asks, and Piper mutters into my chest.
Hael’s eyes widen, and Piper pulls back to stare up at me.
“You know I’m only twenty,” my girl utters, her mouth nearly dropping and her cheeks turning pale.
“Age is only a number.” One I don’t give two shits about when it comes to my pretty little doll. Her eyes warm, and she smiles up at me like I’ve hung the moon.
“And you plan on doing what with my favorite human?” Hael asks, and from the gleam in her eyes, I think she knows.
“Oh, I’m keeping her. Piper is the exact woman I’ve been waiting my entire adult life for.” Brushing my finger along her soft cheek, she melts into me again. She seems to do that a lot when I say the right thing to her.
“Good answer, slick. Whelp, I’m off. This paper won’t write itself.” Hael gives Piper a hug and whispers something in her ear that I don’t hear, and then she’s gone, strolling towards the library.