Page 22 of Shut the F*ck Up and Take this D*ck Like a Good Girl
“It’ll be okay, Galen. We’ve done this once already,” I try to reassure him.
Breathing gruffly through my teeth, I sit up so Galen can slide in behind me like he did last time. Dropping back into his chest, my husband grunts and reaches forward for my knees.
“Just like you’ve been practicing, breathe in and out. Galen, remind her when she freezes up.” He nods at the instructions before kissing my temple, the tender touch going miles to ease my discomfort. “Ready?” I have no other choice but to bob my head.
It feels like an eternity passes before we’re greeted with the initial loud cry of our first baby boy. I only get a few minutes to hold and admire him before being told the second is coming quicker than anticipated, and the nurse takes our son to the warmer with the NICU team checking him over.
“Here we go again, Mom; you’ve got this.” Bearing down, I push until I’m told to stop. The concern on the doctor's face triggers my anxiety. It’s only because of my husband’s soft touch and soothing words that I don’t give in to the urge to demand to know what’s going on.
“Okay, one more big push,” she instructs, and I do. Just as I’m about to give up, another screaming baby boy is lifted to show me. “The cord was wrapped around his neck, but we’re going to check him over, then bring him to you, okay?” I nod as plump tears drip down my face.
Galen’s arms wrap around me from behind, our eyes glued to where they’re working on our son. “Mom, we have one hungry little man here. Are you up for feeding him?” I nod vigorously at the nurse. I loved breastfeeding our daughter and have looked forward to doing it with the twins.
“Christ,” Galen groans behind me, pressing his head into the back of mine. “You trying to kill me already, doll?” He helps unbuckle my gown and massages around my nipple as I’m handed our son. He latches on like he’s done it a million times before. “Fucking natural,” Galen grunts, brushing his fingers gently across his brow.
“Alright, Mom and Dad, baby number two is doing well. We’d like to keep everyone overnight and reassess in the morning. Sound good?” Galen agrees with her as I stare at the infant in her arms, dying to touch and hold him. “He’s not looking quite ready to eat just yet, but give him a few minutes, and he will.”
Galen helps me hold the twins while we wait for a private room to open up. I was terrified he wouldn’t make it in time for this, and now that he has, I know everything will be alright. Our little family is just perfect.
“Thank you for making it back in time, Daddy.” Staring up at him, his eyes are filled with all the love he can supply us.
“Doll, you know I’d never miss this.” And I do. He’s proven repeatedly that we’re the most important things in his life. I never should have doubted him.
“Love you.” I rest my head against his chest as both boys nurse from me now. Closing my eyes, I’m confident he’ll take them when they’re finished. I feel his lips on my temple and the whisper of breath across my flesh as I fall into a restful nap, more at peace than I’ve been in my entire life. All because of my stalker.
Epilogue Three
Ten Years Later.
“Shut. The. Fuck up. And take this. Dick. Like a. Good girl.” I grunt with every thrust of my hips. Piper was so fucking bad today, and now, she’s paying for it. “Never should have fucking done it.” Groaning in her ear where I’ve got her pinned against the wall, Piper mewls out her pleasure.
“I’m sorry, Daddy.” No, she’s fucking not.
“Liar.” I bite her neck when she constricts her walls.
“It hurts.” That fucking whine, I could live off it.
“Good, it damn well should.” Pulling nearly all the way out, I slam back in deep, forcing her to take me to the hilt without working her up to it.
Almost fourteen years together, and still, she’s virgin fucking tight. Five kids. Still. Virgin. Tight. Fucking tight. Her pussy is every bit as addicting as the night I made her mine.
“Daddy Galen, please,” she gasps loud enough that the partygoers outside would hear her if not for the music blasting through the outdoor surround sound. “Harder.” I fucking knew she liked it like this.
“Going to wear this short-ass dress without panties again, wife?” Christ, it’s a miracle I still get to call her that.
“Yes,” she smarts off to me.
Clamping a hand across her mouth, I fuck into her as viciously as I can without fucking her through the wall. We did that once. Explaining to five kids how the hole got there is not high on my priority list again, so I temper my thrusting hips.
“Your pussy is mine. This entire fucking body is mine. If someone saw you, I’d have killed them.”
She wouldn't have done it if she understood my seriousness. I’ve killed men over her before, and I will continue to do so as long as I’m on this earth. To be fair, they were predators. They’d have raped her if given the chance, and I’ll never allow that to happen.
“I know, Daddy. I’m all yours forever.” I can make out her mumbled words behind my hand as an orgasm painstakingly ripples through her body and catapults me over the edge with her.
Seating myself deep inside her until my dick is empty, I keep her pinned as I shower her throat and jaw with kisses. “Number six,” I whisper in her ear, and she jolts.