Page 19 of Shut the F*ck Up and Take this D*ck Like a Good Girl
“Much as I’d like to kill him, Ma would be upset, so I’m going to put the fear of god into the little asshole and make sure he understands just how off-limits you are, and if he ever does this to you or anyone else again, I won’t be as nice.”
At two in the morning, I should be in bed with my wife, nailing her with another load of baby batter and making sure she’s knocked up. Fucking her while she sleeps. I should be doing all of those things. Instead, I’m sitting in the dark in Marcus’ living room, waiting for him to return from the bar. I’m almost certain some whore will be on his arm when he walks through the door, which is why I have a cab parked a few houses down. They’ll be taking her home while I teach my little brother a lesson in how to treat women.
I can’t blame him for wanting to be near Piper, to watch Piper. I did for months. However, if she had meant so fucking much to him, then he shouldn’t have fucked things up with her. He should have held on tight and treated her like the queen she is.
Now, he’s about to get a taste of his own medicine, and I have no remorse about it. It never mattered how well my parents raised us, Marcus still turned into an asshole who’s been in need of an ass-whooping for a long fucking time. Since I’ve been gone most of my adult life, I haven’t had the opportunity to do so before now.
Headlights illuminate the room, and I ready for a fight I’ve been dying to get into for years. Cracking my knuckles, I grind my teeth as I hear drunken laughter when two bodies come stumbling through the front door. My brother is groping the woman before the door is even shut, and her fake moans make my ears burn.
Getting to my feet, I flip the lamp on. “Marcus,” I growl out. The more I see of him, the angrier I become.
Startled, they both turn around, and I can see she’s way more wasted than he is. “What the fuck are you doing here, Galen?”
“There’s a cab two houses up. I suggest you go home,” I tell the girl. She sobers long enough to recognize that this isn’t a place she wants to be. Nodding, she darts back out the door, and I watch her stumble her way up the block. A few seconds later, the cab drives by the house, and I refocus my attention on my brother.
Squaring off with Marcus, it’s apparent that he’s sluggish but no less aggravated. “Why the fuck are you following my wife around campus?”
He scoffs, but I spot the truth in his eyes and the way he scratches the back of his neck. “I’m not.” Such a weak denial.
“Marcus!” I snap and growl. “You fucking terrified her to the point that she’s been hiding at home for a week. That’s a big fucking problem for me.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have stolen her from me!”
“I didn’t, you fucking idiot. You scared her off by not respecting her wishes. You accosted her and would have fucking raped her if she hadn’t kneed you in the balls and ran.” When Piper told me that little nugget, I’d wanted to come and kill him right then. Had she not decided to take control and sit on my dick, I might have.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Neck scratching again. It’s always been his tell.
“Don’t fucking lie to me, Marcus!” My bark makes him jump and nearly knock a picture off the wall at his back. “I could fucking kill you for the pain you’re causing her. Have caused for months. You’re a fucking piece of shit, Marcus, and if not for my wife, I’d be burying your fucking body tonight. For some reason, she just doesn’t want you to die. So, here’s what you’re going to do…take this whooping like a fucking man, and then get your shit straight because I’m telling you now, she won’t convince me to let you live again.”
Before he can utter a word, I storm forward and swing a rage-infused fist at his face, knocking out two teeth and splitting his lip open. He doesn’t get a chance to recover before I’m on him again from the left, breaking his nose and blackening his eye.
That’s all he can take, but I have one more message for him: “You were invited to the parents for brunch on Saturday…skip it. Make an excuse; I don’t fucking care. Don’t show up. Ma and Piper want to make this a monthly thing. If you show up next month with anything but an apology for Piper, I will fucking kick your ass in front of everyone. Are we clear?” He gasps while holding his shirt to his nose and nods his head. “I intend on knocking her up, little brother. It’d be nice if my kids had a decent uncle. Don’t make me regret letting you live.”
Walking out his door, I get in my truck and head home to a woman waiting for me to fill her up. She had no idea I was coming tonight, but she’s not a fool. It won’t take her long to figure it out, so I’ll need to be in her good graces before then.
“That was Marcus. He can’t come. Something about work and being behind on paperwork,” Amy says, pouting a bit, and I shoot a glare over to my husband. I know he’s responsible for upsetting the woman who has treated me like a daughter from the day we met. He just shrugs as he pours me a glass of fresh lemonade.
“Next time, I’m sure.” I give my mother-in-law a tight smile, hiding how relieved I am that Marcus won’t be here. Not after his actions at the wedding and then following me around campus.
Focusing on my husband, I recognize his concerned look, and it’s then I realize how grateful I am that he spoke to his brother. He hasn’t admitted it outright, but I find Galen easy to read. And above all else in the world, his main priority is his desire to ensure I’m always safe and happy.
Striding towards him, I wrap my arms around his waist and lean up to kiss the underside of his jaw. “Thank you, Daddy Galen,” I whisper so only he can hear.
“For what?” he growls, and I feel his length twitching between us.
“Taking care of me.” Nipping the sharp angle of his jaw, I draw back to gaze into his darkening eyes.
Bending down, his arms wrap me up tight as he whispers in my ear, “You know Daddy will always take care of you.” He nibbles along the length of my throat, and I whimper when he bites the tendon in my neck, a pulse shimmering from my belly to my clit as my pussy throbs for him to fill me up.
Twisting so our mouths meet, I suck on his lower lip before biting until he takes over. Gripping my ass in his hands, he lifts me and carries me out of the kitchen. It’s not until my back hits a mattress that I realize we’re in a bedroom.
Shoving my skirt up to my stomach, Galen wastes no time in unzipping his slacks and climbing between my legs. “Always so fucking wet for Daddy,” he grunts as his fingers test my readiness. “Stay nice and quiet, doll. They might know what we’re doing, but they don’t need to hear it. Got it?” I nod quickly, and he presses the head of his cock into my tight channel.
Slapping his hand over my mouth to temper my scream, I give him grateful eyes. “I know my girl; she’s too tight for Daddy’s giant cock still.” Whining, I wrap my legs around his hips as he thrusts forcefully into me.