Page 12 of Shut the F*ck Up and Take this D*ck Like a Good Girl
Vases of daisies and carnations are spread out around the back patio and set on old tree stumps around the yard. I was unsure of Piper’s favorite flower, so I took a guess on the simplicity of these types, and when she walks out the back of the house, her arm hooked in Hael’s, her face lights up, and I know I chose well.
Christ, I can’t wait to make this woman mine. I crave tying her to me, knocking her up, and giving her the family she’s craved since losing her parents.
When my mother and father stand and turn back to get a look at my woman, I register the surprise on their faces as they speak softly to each other. When Piper notices them, she pales and stops her forward motion. Hael glances between the three of them, confused, until Piper whispers to her, explaining the problem.
I remain rooted to the spot because this is when I need her to choose me. To understand that I’ll always do the best for her and love her until my dying day.
Piper stares interminably, her feet shifting, and I’m slightly afraid she’s going to bolt until Hael leans in and mutters something in her ear. I watch her nod her head as she meets my stare. Her eyes become guarded, and I’m sure she’ll have questions for me. I just hope she waits until after she has taken my last name to ask them all.
As the two resume walking, I notice how she avoids looking at my parents and how they have lost their smiles. I’m not wrong about their relationship with Piper; I know I’m not, but I hate myself for not coming clean sooner. My gut told me this was the way to do things this time, so I followed it.
Offering my hand as she comes within reach, I hate that she fucking hesitates, but it’s my own fault. “I have a lot of questions.” She glares at me.
“I know you do, baby, and I have a lot to tell you and explain.” Slowly, I pull her closer, needing to feel her melt for me.
“Without lying or omitting anything.” I nod at her admonishment.
Piper looks at my parents from the corner of her eye, waiting for them to do something. They give her an encouraging smile, obviously catching on that she’s done nothing wrong. This is all on me.
Her shoulders sag a bit in relief before giving me her eyes again, and this time, the hesitancy and mistrust are gone. I’ve got her again, and I can’t express how happy that makes me.
“Are we ready?” The JP asks, and I give a faint nod. I’ve told the man to make the ceremony quick, and he does. With each word he speaks, every vow I repeat, Piper grows more emotional and joyful. However, by the time we are about to say ‘I do’, my brother decides to make an appearance and crash the fucking party.
“What the fuck, Galen!” he shouts as his eyes rove between us. I draw Piper in closer to me and tell our officiate to keep going until she has recited the same vows as me, her concern returning for another reason altogether.
I barely wait for the man to pronounce us and give permission to kiss my new wife. Fuck do I love the sound of that.
My wife.
I get to keep her forever now.
Our lips touch, and my brother explodes with vile insults and begins to storm forward when Hael steps in his way. Hands on her hips, she threatens him with a few choice words of her own, forcing him to pause until I’m done claiming my wife.
“Don’t worry about him, doll. I’ll take care of everything, and then you and I will talk.” She bobs her head in agreement before giving Marcus a cautious look.
After handing her off to my parents, I nudge Hael in their direction, as well, before confronting my brother. Crossing my arms over my chest, I wait for his berating.
“You, asshole. You’ve spent your life taking everything from me, and now, you're taking my fucking girl?” Spit flies from his mouth as he shouts at me. “Stupid fucking whore. Won’t put out for me when I’ve wined and dined her for months, wasted my time on her when I could be getting better pussy than her dumb ass, and now, you’ve taken her!”
I roll my eyes at him, and as much as I’d like to pop him in the mouth for the things he’s calling Piper, I won’t because I know it would hurt Ma. “I told you not to come if you were going to be late.” He snarls at this, and I can tell he’s calculating whether to lunge at me or not. “Back the fuck up and change your attitude, little brother, or you won’t like what I do to you.”
“You sanctimonious bastard! She was mine!” It’s apparent that Marcus is starting to lose control, and I won’t have much choice but to knock his ass out soon.
“She was until you started treating her like shit and trying to force her into something she didn’t want with you. Now, she’s mine. Get the fuck over it and stop upsetting the parents.”
Marcus looks back to where they’re hugging Piper, smiling and cheerful, even though my girl watches us with a keen eye, waiting for me to join them and, hopefully, explain things to their satisfaction.
Chuckling ruefully, Marcus shakes his head, his hands on his hips. “Why the fuck should I care what they think when they don’t care that one son stole from the other? They’ve always chosen you over me, and this only shows what I’ve always thought. They don’t give a fuck about me.”
“If you’d get your head out of your ass long enough to pay attention to anyone but yourself, you’d see they care more about your feelings than you even know. Ma was going to stop the ceremony until Piper chose to continue on. That girl has been mine since birth; I just didn’t find her soon enough. I’m sorry you’re hurt in this, but I won’t apologize for taking and keeping her.”
“What the fuck ever, Galen. You’ve always just taken whatever you want. Why should this be any fucking different.” Before he can storm off, I grab his arm and spin him around.
“Do you love Piper, Marcus? Would you put her needs above your own; is that why you’re so pissed? Or are you angry because she chose me over you?” He stares at me, blinking rapidly as he mulls over what I’ve said.
Glaring at me, he makes a move to stride towards Piper and our parents, but I step in his way. I know whatever he’s about to do or say will only hurt Piper in the long run. My job is to keep that from happening.