Page 77 of Protective Heroes
I rolled my eyes the second I hit send. He was going to think I was the most boring human being on the planet.
Me, too. I hated leaving you tonight. How bad would it be if I were to steal you in the middle of the night?
Okay, so maybe not the most boring person on the planet if he regretted leaving me. I could feel the sappy smile curving my lips. I hated being left and Mrs. Morgan might call the Sheriff. Could be fun.
I paused with my finger over the send button, debating the wisdom of sharing that information. But then I swear I heard Asha’s voice cheering me on and telling me to go for it. I listened to that voice and pressed send.
His response came quickly. Can I see you tomorrow?
This time I didn’t hesitate. Yes.
Good. More wedding planning to do or would you like to do something else?
I thought for a second. Actually, there’s one thing I thought of. As much as I love our meadow, I should probably try to come up with an indoor venue, too. Just in case the bride and groom worry about the weather. Any ideas?
He responded instantly. Leave it to me. I think I have the perfect place.
Great! You haven’t disappointed me yet, so I trust you.
I gasped, the weight of the words I just sent him hitting me hard. I read them again. But they were true. For some reason, I trusted him with this. With my heart…maybe. He seemed grounded and sure of what he wanted now. But still…
Then I’ll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams, sweetheart.
“Iwasn’t expecting this,” I told Trevor as he took my hand and helped me onto his boat.
He grinned and pulled me close. “Trust me?”
I stared up into his dark eyes for several long seconds before finally responding, “Yes.”
And it was no less true this morning than it was last night.
His grin widened and he kissed me fast and hard before he got to work launching us from the dock. I couldn’t decide which kind of kiss I liked best. The fast drive-bys that left me breathless. Or the slow, deep, lingering ones that left me aching for more.
“So where are we headed?” I asked once we were under way.
“You’ll see.” He jutted his chin toward a bench seat built into the cabin wall. “There’s blankets in there if you get cold.”
I wandered over and checked it out, pulling out a fuzzy wool throw to toss over my shoulders. I’d dressed in warm layers, as per Trevor’s instructions in his early morning text. The temperature had dropped a little more overnight, and out on the water, the air stung my cheeks.
Trevor kept one hand on the wheel and lifted his other arm, inviting me to snuggle into his side. I took him up on the offer, and not just for the warmth.
“Can you at least tell me how long it’ll take to get there?” The truth was, I didn’t really care. I’d happily stand here cuddled into Trevor’s hard body indefinitely.
He pressed a kiss into the top of my head and I could feel his body shake as a chuckle rumbled through him. “Not too long, sweetheart.”
We were on the water for a little over an hour before he maneuvered the boat alongside a dock on one of the small islands that made up the Hartwood Lake. Once he had the boat taken care of, he helped me off and led me down a path that cut through a stand of trees close to the shoreline.
“There’s only a small number of year-round residents here,” Trevor explained. “And the place we’re going is owned by some friends of mine. They spend the winters down south, but they leave their lodge available for me and a few other outdoor guides to use through the winter.”
The forest enveloped us and the quality of the silence surrounding us stopped me in my tracks. Used to the sound of the city that reached its way into my apartment even in the middle of the night, it had been a while since I experienced anything like this.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Trevor’s gaze betrayed his concern.
I raised my eyes to the towering trees and closed my eyes. It felt almost like walking into a cathedral, serene and powerful all at once. A deep sense of connection with every living thing around me eased into my consciousness and I inhaled the scent of pine and earth and vegetation, taking it into myself.
Something cold against my cheek made me open my eyes, and I found that it had started to flurry while we stood there in silence. I turned my head to Trevor and offered him a smile.
“Everything here is more beautiful and magical than I remember. I can’t believe I almost backed out of this trip.” I moved close to his side and stood on tiptoe to press a kiss on his smooth jawline. “Imagine everything I would have missed if I made that mistake.”