Page 52 of Protective Heroes
Smeared and filthy with our mixed releases, we lie together in each other’s arms until every muscle in my body turned light as a feather.
He drew lazy circles over my back. I don’t know what this is between us but I don’t want to assume it’s something that will last. I didn’t want to add mortification to the list of emotions I was feeling, so I kept my thoughts clamped down and tucked away for safekeeping.
Soft sounds of caroling filtered through and for the first time since walking in here, I took notice of the lamps, soft colored throw rugs tossed over hardwood and the comfortable bed under us. A fireplace on the opposite wall gave the open space loft a cozy feeling. I’d love to sit by with Gabriel. I could see myself plump and happy carrying his baby.
Fingers stroked through my hair. “What are you thinking?”
The brief half a second before answering and my mouth opening I considered lying to him. What the hell would he say to my fantasies.
“Nothing. Just wondering when the snow will let up so we can get home.”
He rolled us over and pinned my legs open. I immediately felt his hot cum spilling from my body.
His cock was already hard again and he fisted the length, guiding the fat head to my opening, guiding his milk back in with a light thrust.
“Fuck, I’ll never get bored of seeing how well your pussy swallows my cock,” he growled. “There’s not a day I don’t want to see your pretty pussy drinking my milk.”
Jesus help me. Am I nuts to think he might already have me pregnant? And why am I not worried like I should be? Nuts was fucking my dad’s best friend. Falling for him sat at the top of that list too. But all on Christmas Eve made it ten times crazier.
Yet, here we are.
I wrapped my legs around him.
“No need to stop now. Don’t we have all night? Why don’t you give us both memories of tonight we’ll never forget?”
We made love three more times last night and welcomed the sun with a glorious climax that left us both so drained there was no way my ice princess wasn’t carrying my baby. The idea of seeing her round with our child caused a possessive need to lock her beauty away for only me to enjoy.
Then again letting the world see her claimed and on my arm gave me a sense of pride too. Hell, I don’t know. From the time I hauled her sweet ass over my shoulder and kidnapped her away from those assholes she has had me on fire. There’s something special about this girl I didn’t see until I got her away from all those brats leeching off their parents. I’ve lit something inside her and she’s done the same for me.
When she uttered the words...give us both something to remember…last night, my heart wanted to explode. How could she even think I would simply walk away after giving her my seed? Her father, a friend or not, did a number on her and that’s something I’ll have to correct. I plan on showing her every single day of my life on this rock how much she means to me. I didn’t buy into all that love at first sight crap, but I’m not a fool either nor arrogant enough to think I understand everything there is about this world.
Who the fuck am I to say insta-love isn’t real?
Magic of Christmas, right?
Whatever it was that had my cock rock hard at the simple touch of her hand and me hoping like hell she already carried our child I’ll take. It meant I finally found someone who made my world complete. And if the way she made love to me was anything to go on, she might feel the same way too.
Our clothes were on the floor in a crumpled mess, and I dreaded having to put them back on to retrieve the rest of our luggage from the SUV. But I can’t have my baby doing any sort of walk of shame.
Sun filtered through the window and played in her dark hair. I shifted, sliding my hand down to cup the plump, delicious curve of her ass. “Already?” she asked, shaking her ass and making me rock hard.
“Keep doing that and we’ll make it another marathon the Christmas day edition.”
“Can we get pie first?” She turned her head and bit her lip, coiling her legs over mine.
“We can get anything you want, baby. We have all day, all night, all week…year.”
Huh. The longer I talked the more her expression closed off.
“Gabriel, you know this can’t happen.”
I pushed up to an elbow, looking down at her. “What do you mean? You didn’t think I was going to fuck you with no protection and then just walk away, did you?”