Page 4 of Protective Heroes
Theo, plate in hand, comes to stand beside me, all grins. “Oh, yeah. You see, the real reason she’s pissed is because she was waiting for her wedding night. According to the wife, our Kandy there hasn’t been so quiet about what she’s been looking forward to in marriage.” His voice drops lower on those last words, and he shrugs with a sullen look on his face that says he feels for the girl. “Now she’s sworn off all men. Been cursing the gender all day. Since she’s not off relishing the evening as a new bride, she’s channeling all that energy into her pies.”
“You boys done talking about me behind my back?”
A hot pair of eyes appear in the slit of a service window and shoot my way. My hands go up in innocence.
Theo digs eagerly into his pie and says through his full mouth when Kandy ducks away, “And let me tell you, she’s got a lot of energy. This makes about the fourth batch.”
As the men around me proceed to devour their desserts, I reach for my fork to get my first taste of Kandy’s pie.
Oh, heaven help me.
My eyes roll back before the first bite has a chance to hit my stomach.
Pumpkin, flaky crust, just the right amount of spice and a mouthful of whipped cream all hit my taste buds in a burst of Autumn flavor.
Fuck, they don’t make it like this in the city.
I don’t even try to show manners. I flip my fork and lick the back, getting all the crumbs understanding the decor now. And why these men probably haven’t moved from their stools all day.
I never knew anyone wanting a Halloween wedding before, but of course Kandy would be my first.
An unfamiliar possessiveness steals over me as Theo’s story plays over in my mind. If I ever get a chance to clock the dude who hurt her, he’ll wish he’d kept his dick in his pants.
I narrow my eyes as I watch one guy’s gaze dip down to Kandy’s cleavage as she refills his coffee mug. As she makes her rounds filling cups and dropping a sarcastic comment or two, I notice mine aren’t the only eyes following her.
Resolve fills me as I hold my temper at bay, fighting off the urge to slam my fist into the face of the next guy that smiles up at her, only to be rebuffed immediately by the feisty woman.
The men finished their pie, tucked money by their plates, and drifted away one by one, calling their thanks and pledging to be back tomorrow for more.
“Take care, boys. Be safe out there,” she whips out never taking her eyes off whatever task she’s doing at the moment. As the last man filed out, Kandy emerged from the kitchen and began stacking empty plates on her trays.
I head for the door too, but instead of leaving, I flip the sign on the window to closed.
“No more pie until tomorrow, Hot Shot.” Kandy doesn’t bother looking up from clearing tables as she speaks to me. Damn, you’d think I’d get a little more from her after being gone ten plus years. Did the high school crushing we shared for one another mean nothing?
I am mesmerized by the sway of her hips as she occupies herself with clearing plates and empty mugs. Is it my imagination or is there a bit more of a swing to her step now that the place is empty?
“I’m not here for pie, Kandy.” My words aren’t entirely true—I’d take more pie if she offered. I want more pie and all the cream I could handle, hopefully that will come later. There is another female I need to take care of first.
“My bike broke down and I need a mechanic. Know if the one over there has a number?”
Kandy sits her heavy tray down, shaking out her arms. “I see. Were you just going to pass through then? Not stop in and say hello at least? I guess you really don’t remember us small town folks, huh?”
What the hell is she talking about?
“It’s not like that.”
She cocks a brow and the little dimple at the corner of her mouth dips, causing me to groan. I loved that about her smile. She has no idea how much it affected me back then and still does apparently.
She leans a hip against the counter and crosses her arms.
“Then tell me how it is. I haven’t seen you in ten years. Closer to eleven really. And then all of a sudden you ride in only because your bike broke down. What’s a girl to think?”
I cross the diner and come to a stop a couple of feet away from her. Strands of brown hair have fallen out of the twist she has her hair pulled into, and her bridal makeup is a little less than fresh. Flour spots stain her dress and cover a good portion of her right cheek.
She’s beautiful and thank the fates, not married. As selfish as that sounds. It’s probably better I keep that to myself.
“I was going up to my parents’ place to pass over the keys and deed to the new owners.”