Page 30 of Protective Heroes
I laugh harder at his frustrated words. “Like that’s a threat, Ry!” Even as I say it, I can feel my panties grow damp. “I’d love every minute of it.”
Ryder leans down from his towering height and presses a hard and fast kiss on my lips. I can feel him grin against my mouth, and sure enough, when he pulls away, his annoyance is replaced with amusement, but now his expression holds some heat, too.
“Baby, if there weren’t kids out in the dining room, I’d bend you over the counter right here and give you that spanking.” He reaches down and rubs his hand over my ass.
I push my flesh into his hand and send him a flirtatious look from beneath my lashes. “Wouldn’t be the first time you bent me over the nearest available surface.”
His eyes turn fiery with banked desire, but saying that out loud reminds me of something. I hop away from his hand. “I almost forgot.”
I bounce over to the shelves and fetch a bag from beneath the counter. “The diner looks so great with the makeover, but I feel like it is still missing something.”
I hand him the bag and watch as he pulls out his gift. A wooden case with a glass hinged door on the front.
He stares at it blankly for a few seconds before his eyes hit mine. “Babe…I’m not sure what I’m looking at here.”
I move to his side to look down at the object with him. “It’s a shadow box. It’s a way to hang things like memorabilia up on the wall like artwork. I thought this would be perfect for the empty spot over the counter.”
He squints at it, then says slowly, “Okay. So you want to hang whatever this is up on the wall of the diner?”
“Don’t you know what that is?”
He looks a bit longer at the case holding the metal object before finally shaking his head. “Sorry, Beautiful. I have no idea.”
“It’s the clutch from your Harley. The one that caused you to stop in Pineville instead of riding on through. I figured it was the perfect thing to hang here.”
He stares at it for a full minute before he throws his beautiful head back and laughs.
I ease my shoulder under one of his arms. “You like it?”
“Baby, I love it.” He puts the box down gently on the counter before pulling me close. “How could I not? At the time I thought I must have the absolute worst luck in the world, but turned out to be the opposite. My bike breaking down was the best thing to ever happen to me next to marrying you and watching you bring our babies into this world.”
I look up at him. “Does that mean you’ll lay off the eight-year-old boy who likes our daughter?”
He looks down at me earnestly. “I’m not making any promises, baby.”
I dissolve into giggles and hug him tight, knowing it is me who is the lucky one. I got to spend the rest of my life sharing all of this laughter and love with a man I thought would never return. Then love, a cursed wedding dress and some pumpkin pie is all it took to turn the tables around and life give me everything I could ever dream of.