Page 234 of Protective Heroes
He stripped off his belt, the leather snapping out of the loops with a loud pop, and wound it around the girth of her shoulder and arm to hold his makeshift bandage in place. “This will slow the bleeding.”
She nodded. He then shoved her into the clean shirt and positioned her arm across her chest in less than two minutes. Wildfire burst into life and singed every nerve in her shoulder and arm at his quick movements.
You will not pass out. You will not pass out.
She panted while repeating the words the whole time Reece made a sling for her arm.
Her mouth worked open then just as quickly shut. Might not be the best timing, but the need to apologize tightened her chest. She worked her jaw, trying to tell the guys, but she couldn’t find the words.
She peeled her eyes open and her vision cleared a bit. Whatever Reece did to her arm helped to relieve some of the pain.
“Abigail, look at me. You’ve lost a fair amount of blood.” Caden knelt in front of her, helping her to sit straight. His eyes searched hers for only a second before he found whatever he was looking for. “We’re moving you to a more secure location. Can you walk?”
“Of course.” She stretched her legs for good measure.
“You can lean on me.” Reece snaked his arm around her waist and helped her to her feet. She peered up at him, then at Caden. Solid rock gave more away than their stone cold expressions. She was glad their wrath wasn’t aimed her way. In contrast to their softer sides, her warriors were in full Marine mode.
She liked it. Liked both sides, but today she needed their training. There was no doubt they’d get her through this hell alive. And they looked pissed enough to take out an entire army.
She almost felt sorry for the bad guys on the receiving end. Almost.
“Stay in step. Stay low.”
“You take the lead. We’re going to get you into the pantry while we secure an exit.” Normally she’d argue about being shoved into a closet, but with her injury, she’d slow them down and that could get them killed.
Her legs shook at first, but with the help of Reece she finally made it to her feet. She nodded once. “Ready.”
Reece took one step before all hell broke loose. A curtain of bullets rained down on them. Rounds hummed through the air and landed with a multitude of pings that bounced off her eardrums. Chunks of cement burst from the high-velocity impact. Cotton fluff erupted into the air. Wood splintered under the torturous beating of gunfire.
“We’re out of fucking time. Cover her!”
But that was all she saw before a shield of male muscle tackled her to the floor.
Reece’s handgun resounded next to her ear. Her heart lodged so deep in her throat she gasped for every breath. Her shoulder cried out in pain and she couldn’t move for the weight of Reece on top of her.
“Let’s move,” Reece shouted next to her face and she hauled ass to where Caden held his hand out to her. He pulled her through the kitchen entrance, taking cover behind the island in the center of the floor. “Stay low. I’ll be right back. Take this.”
Caden pressed his 9mm into her palm. She slipped the clip loose and checked how many rounds she had then slid it back into place, sliding a round into the chamber.
Only three left. God, she hoped they had more ammo. From the sound of it, there was a small army out there.
“I’m fine. Go.” She nodded and crouched, her shoulder pain off her radar. Thank God for adrenaline rushes!
Five rounds fired from inside the house. Then stopped.
“We only want la señorita. Give her over and then we leave. You have our word, amigos.”
She stiffened against the wood paneling of the kitchen island. Neither Caden nor Reece answered. She trusted they knew what they were doing.
Shadows moved over the far wall. She followed their projection to the door that led to the side of the house.
She pushed up and launched herself at the door just as the handle started to turn. With deft fingers she slipped the bolt home, then sagged against the wooden frame.
Shards of glass broke over her, the stained-glass panes in the top half of the door busted by a beefy fist.
She fell forward.
“Guys. Get the fuck in here, like right fucking now!” Hysteria skidded along the fringes of her words, which was just fine because any minute she was going to go bat-shit crazy. She didn’t do combat. Guns and bullets were okay, but hand to hand is where she drew the line.