Page 221 of Protective Heroes
She leveled her chin and shoved away the doubt that wanted to creep into the recesses of her mind. Hadn’t she resolved to get him to see she wanted this?
Either do or don’t, chica.
Abigail pushed forward despite the warning she saw in the depths of his eyes, ready to help him see just how important this moment was to her.
She invaded his personal space, wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him closer. Which wasn’t an easy task given the half foot or more he had on her.
With her hands buried in his hair, she locked him in right where she wanted him. In a slow movement, she closed the distance, touching her lips to his in a gentle brush of skin, teasing the seam with the tip of her tongue until he opened for her.
He pushed up from his leaning position and snaked his arms around her waist. Water soaked through his clothing, but neither of them cared. He cupped the globes of her ass, kneading the plump flesh. He hauled her closer against his huge, bulging erection.
Eagerness spiraled through her, sending a rush of goosebumps along her body. He tightened his hold. Her nipples pebbled and pressed into his chest.
Abigail shuddered from the exquisite pressure. The smolder in his eyes darkened and he groaned deep in his throat. She smiled. Mmm, he had such a sexy growl.
She stole a glance toward Caden. He stood with his arms braced against the half wall outlining the shower area, his eyes lasered in on her.
She raised her eyes up to Reece’s and released her hold on his hair. She moved her hands to the hem of his black T-shirt. In a single tug she revealed her warrior, drinking him in slowly.
She whimpered, tingling all over from wanting all of him naked. Right now.
She gasped, unable to hold back the shock that hit her like a punch to the gut. Scars she hadn’t noticed the previous night in the subdued lighting stood out in the bright morning sunshine.
They weren’t as extensive as Caden’s burns but they were still there and denoted everything the man had gone through to protect others.
Protect her.
She swallowed past the lump lodged in her throat. Fear of him putting himself in harm’s way for her took root in her mind and she couldn’t shake it.
“Don’t worry about those, darling. It’s from a long time ago.”
She traced a finger over a jagged scar along the crease of his left arm and another over his left ribcage. It had to be five inches long. “I can’t imagine the pain you must have gone through. Both of you.” She whispered the words, afraid to say them any louder in fear of something more severe happening to them. She looked to Caden again and then back to the scar beneath her fingers.
“Do they bother you, Abigail?”
She pulled back, shocked. “No. Never.” She searched his eyes, desperate for him to know she would never be bothered by the sight of his old wounds. Or Caden’s. She shot a look at Caden and he smiled in understanding.
She turned her face up to Reece’s. “Kiss, me, show me you want this. That you want us.”
Scars forgotten, a wicked smile played with the corners of his mouth, erasing the haunted look in his eyes. With one hand he fisted the long, wet length of her hair and tugged her into his arms.
“I think I can do better than that.”
She loved the teasing promise to his words. He devoured her lips, tongue and delved back in for more.
Just as quickly he pulled back.
In three swift movements, Reece disrobed and stood before her in all his masculine glory. Her gaze drifted over his rock-hard body, lean waist, and thick, throbbing cock obviously swollen with the need to fuck her.
Her mouth watered and her heart melted just a bit more at the look in his eyes.
Heat eased up her neck and settled in her cheeks. She took a deep breath and smiled, her gaze traveling further. She wanted a taste of both her men. She knew the workings behind taking two men, but she couldn’t help but worry if her body could handle so much at once.
Reece watched her closely. He moved in, closing the small distance between them. With a gentle hand on her neck, he settled his forehead on hers. “We’ll take it slow. Only do what you feel comfortable with.” He gazed down at her with that sexy-as-sin smile that had her heart doing backflips.
She returned the smile and moved to where Caden stood waiting and looked over her shoulder, her smile fading a degree when her gaze landed on the worst of his scars. The reason he walked with a slight limp.
Angled in a jagged downward slash, a red, puckered scar marred the skin along his right hip and thigh. She turned her attention away from the obvious bad memories, intertwined their fingers and led him back to where Caden waited for them in the cool water. Now wasn’t the time for questions, but she would be honored to one day hear of their times in Afghanistan should they want to share.