Page 205 of Protective Heroes
Abigail settled in one of the soft leather chairs positioned up along the walls of the cabin, leaving the single-aisle wide open. She’d only been on the plane one other time for client meetings with the guys a few months back. It had been a new experience and a rush of excitement for her at the time. Now, under the current circumstances, it all seemed too much. Being whisked away by two men who in one breath confused her and in the next made her crave all the dark desires that filled her dreams. Something that never crossed her mind before coming to work for Re-Con.
Abigail fiddled with the strap of her unfastened seat belt. Emotions bombarded her from every direction. The loss of her home, being under attack, and the way both men were obviously holding nothing back in the desire department. It was like both Reece and Caden knew her fantasies and wanted to make them come true.
She could feel both men’s gazes track her as she stood and quickly passed Caden who was quietly speaking with the pilot and made her way to the bathroom before the tears spilled.
She locked the door behind her and stared at herself in the tiny mirror hanging over the even smaller sink. She blinked several times then rested her forehead on the cool glass. “Now what? You’ve lost everything you saved so long for tonight.” Little as it was, it was still hers. The country house was her first home. Ever. Growing up, her sister had tried to give her that home, but with her mom’s alcohol problem and her dad’s passing it all seemed so fake.
After graduating, she’d finally had enough for the two-bedroom house on the outskirts of Los Angeles. It was close to an hour commute to work every day, but that didn’t matter. She loved her solitude. A smile touched her lips. And the late-night skinny dipping in the lake had been her own little secret. That was until today’s events. She bit down on the tender flesh of her lip, unable to shake the violated feeling that settled over her.
She’d had plans to plant a garden filled with watermelons and green beans. The latticework they’d used to escape would have supported her favorite climbing rose. Now that was lost too. Her plans literally nothing more than ash.
But why?
Abigail raked her hands through her tousled strains of hair, burying her fingers deep. She tugged on the roots, desperate to feel anything else but the barbed wire constricting her heart.
She shook her head. She needed answers but no one had them. And that scared her. Her sister would be so mad at her for letting herself get into this mess. Only Abigail didn’t know what the hell she’d done to begin with.
Speaking of her sister, she should probably call and let her know what happened. Abigail patted her pocket and pulled out the company phone Caden gave her.
A single tear escaped despite her battle to keep them at bay. She would give her sister a call once they were in the air and she had time to gather her riotous emotions.
A knock sounded on the door and she jumped, quickly dashing a stray tear away. “You all right in there, sweetheart?” Concern filled Caden’s words and she couldn’t hold back the small smile that came at the sound of his voice. She was safe here, with them. With the exception of her older sister, Shay, no one had ever stepped forward for her like Reece and Caden had tonight.
“Sí, I’ll be out in a second.” She forced a strength she didn’t feel into her words. They had more important things on their plates than to worry about her state of mind and her little house.
“I have a change of clothes and a couple of small towels. We have enough time before takeoff for you to wash a bit. I’ll leave it outside the door for you.”
That sounded good.
She listened for a few seconds until she heard his footsteps fall away from the door. Abigail let out the breath trapped in her chest and opened the door to grab the clothes. She turned and caught a glimpse of her reflection. Puffy red eyes stared back at her and a tangled mess of hair topped off the disheveled look. Pieces of ash scattered across her dark locks. Fabulous. What she’d do for a brush.
Abigail raked her fingers through the strands and rinsed the parts that had the most ash. She patted her hair dry and got to work on the rest of her body.
She peeled away the once white T-shirt and jeans and made quick work of using a corner of the towel to wash.
Satisfied, Abigail fixed her unruly strands as best as she could and pulled on the borrowed T-Shirt and sweats. There was no helping her eyes, but that was the least of her problems.
Abigail made her way to the front of the cabin where Reece had joined them just as she closed in on where Caden sat with his laptop on one of the tabletops, already running information from the looks of it.
“Final checks are almost done. Wheels up in ten. Hang tight.” Caden gave a nod, then returned to his work.
Reece turned to her and his attention zeroed in on her eyes. She held his gaze, unable to move under the power of his dark stare. She swallowed and he came to sit by her.
Reece ran a hand around her nape, his fingers gently massaging her tense muscles. She melted into his strong hands and let the world disappear for a long moment. He would consume her utterly and completely if given the chance.
“When we’re in the air, all three of us are going to have that talk Caden promised. And when we do, darling, the only tears you’ll have will be of pure ecstasy.” Her lashes brushed against her cheeks and her mouth fell slack.
Various moments tonight she had felt him pull back from her, but his words contradicted the signals she picked up from him. Maybe the smoke had clogged more than her lungs.
Her inner tigress didn’t seem to care about the details, though. His words sent a whirlwind of cold and hot flashes of clashing emotions to cascade over her.
She wanted him.
Wanted Caden.
Craved all the naughty promises they whispered to her.
But if they did what his words promised, did they want her for more than a fling? If not, could she walk away when the time came?