Page 193 of Protective Heroes
With every ounce of dignity she had left, Abigail willed away the burning sensation against the back of her eyes.
The longer she talked, the higher Reece’s brows climbed or maybe it was her virginal confession that had shock written all over both men’s expressions.
Who knew or cared? She let the anger building in her veins bleed into her words, so he was bound to be burning from the cut.
His nostrils flared and his broad, muscular chest expanded with each deep inhale. And just like that, the hard lines around his eyes softened. For a fleeting moment she thought he would apologize, but so true to his character, he sealed his lips instead.
Defeat replaced a fraction of her anger before resolve settled in. She straightened her shoulders. “I’ll gather my things.” It took all she had to hold back the hurt from her tone this time.
White-knuckling her now cold coffee, she placed the mug on the table, gathered her folders then walked past her bosses. Pesky tears pricked the back of her eyes, but she refused to show any more weakness in front of the two men she began to think, for some silly moment, might care for her.
“Sweetheart, stop.” Caden’s soft command had her pausing inches from the door, but it was Reece’s gentle hand on her elbow that turned her around slowly.
“I apologize. Damn. I’m sorry, Abigail. I’m an idiot.” Regret flashed in his eyes, and she saw he truly meant what he said.
She nodded, her mouth set in a grim line.
Reece guided her away from the door and deeper into the conference room.
He led her to the table and Caden pulled up a chair for her. She eased down and crossed her arms over her chest.
Both men took their own chairs, briefly glancing at each other as if communicating in secret code. With the table at her back, they effectively had her cornered.
Reece braced his elbows on his knees and leaned closer. So close that with the slightest movement, the material of his slacks brushed against her bare knee. She caught Caden appraising her from under hooded eyes and her cheeks flushed from the attention. She hoped her face didn’t betray the fear she felt inside.
Caden shifted back in his seat and moved his focus to Reece. With a single nod toward the phone Reece held, Caden asked, “Why don’t we start over, Abigail?”
Reece passed her phone back to her. When she reached out to take it, he captured her hand in a gentle hold. “Start from when you received these. Please.” His gaze held something that bordered on pain. Like she was the one hurting him.
More for her to digest on the mystery that was Reece Sterling.
“Before I do that, why don’t you both tell me what’s going on with the ‘sweetheart’ and ‘darling?’”
She motioned between the three of them.
“You can’t just throw that at me and not explain,” she continued.
Heat once again crept into her cheeks. They continued to sit, their expressions giving nothing away. Abigail nibbled at the flesh of her lip. Did she overstep and read too much into their words? Maybe they were just trying to calm her.
As usual, Caden spoke first. His husky tone pulling at the tethers to her libido. “Because we’re tired of watching from a distance and hiding what we’re feeling.”
She straightened in her chair, brows knitted together.
Watching from a distance?
Reece shot Caden a look of frustration from the way his expression turned grim, if that were even possible. The man wore annoyance like most men wore cologne.
Silence bloomed between the three for a drawn-out moment before Reece took her hand in his.
It was damn annoying how easily her body responded to the slightest touch from either man.
He smiled and the effect reached his eyes and blew her mind all in a single second. Reece’s smile was like a shot of tequila. Warm, intoxicating and an experience you would never forget.
His square jaw with a feather-light dusting of stubble highlighted his kissable lips.
Her heart sank when his expression grew solemn again.