Page 178 of Protective Heroes
Fire roared to life, flaring out from her center. Heat flushed her entire body and she reveled in the flames.
Dyson wrapped warm lips around her nipple and sucked. He eased her down against the bed, soft sheets enveloping her body. Her eyes flickered open to see pure pleasure etched in every facet of his features.
“Lie back, baby, because this isn’t over yet.” He wrapped his hands around her hips to pull her flush against him, their bodies still connected.
He drew out only to thrust back in, balls deep, nudging her swollen bud.
“So so good.” Her back arched on a wave of pleasure that shot through her.
Shay pushed herself onto her elbows. She could see the sheen of sweat across his forehead, the flush of heat up his cheeks. The single fan hanging above their bed did nothing to hold back the tropical heat.
Her chest tightened and her breath caught in her throat at how beautifully handsome he looked—tousled hair, stubble, and golden lust-filled eyes.
“Baby, let me love you. Open for me.” Shay parted her legs farther and wrapped them around him again.
In the next breath, he devoured her lips, their tongues dancing to their own private rhythm. The slow, deep thrust from before fell into one of wild abandon. She followed his movements, rocking her hips against his, the fire building yet again. So close to coming, but she wanted this time to be with him.
“Cum with me, Shay. Cum now.”
Her cry splintered the quiet. His strong arms held her close as she let herself fall. Melted into him, with one last thrust his released chased hers and they collapsed in a tangle of sheets and kisses.
Shay couldn’t believe the extent Dyson had gone through to seduce her. With her stomach full of delicious food he’d arranged, her blood hitting the legal limit with the tequila they’d drank, and their lovemaking, and she couldn’t remember when she’d felt so satisfied.
Shay took a long look at herself in the bathroom mirror. The flush of their previous love session still lingered on her cheeks.
Heat settled over her, but this time it wasn’t her libido playing havoc with her. She loved the tropics, but she wouldn’t be giving up her beloved air conditioning any time soon.
Dyson, on the other hand, thrived in the humid weather. She caught a glimpse of him in the reflection, sound asleep in their shared bed, his broad, beautiful chest rising and falling in slow rhythm.
A tiny smile tilted her lips at the thought of how he’d learned to speak her native language. She gathered her long, heavy hair in a messy bun, gasping in surprise. From the base of her neck to just below her chin, love marks colored every inch of her skin.
“Madre de Dios,” she whispered on a groan. She moved closer to her reflection. No way to hide anything about tonight. Not that she needed to, but the fewer questions her cousin had the easier for everyone come morning.
She took a deep breath. Maybe she’d call in her goodbyes this time around.
Faint sounds of the ocean carried through the small bathroom window. A little dip wouldn’t hurt. She could use some time in the tropical waters before she left. The cool water would soothe her skin and the delicious ache between her thighs. Some time to gather her thoughts before she had to face D-day with Dyson wouldn’t hurt either.
She moved into the bedroom and pulled on the robe she’d found hanging on the back of the door. Out of habit, Shay gathered her cell off the night table and slipped it into one of the oversized pockets.
Sand, still warm hours after sunset, cushioned her steps as she made her way down to the water. The beat of the waves against the beach vibrated up her soles and helped erase the tension working its way into her muscles.
In just a few hours the sun would come up, and with it, damn hard decisions. In all her twenty-six years, this was definitely the lowest point she’d hit.
Shay let the cool, foamy seawater rush over her toes. Soft music from her cousin’s party carried on the wind currents. The slow pace probably meant it would be wrapping up soon. She tilted her head back to soak in the full moon’s silver beams.
Today had taken a turn she hadn’t expected. The minute she’d seen Dyson decked out in his tuxedo, all her self-control blew out to sea. Tonight was proof she couldn’t resist the magnetic pull between them.
Her phone vibrated against her thigh. She jumped at the sudden intrusion on her thoughts, but answered it as soon as she saw her sister’s name flash across the screen.
“Hola, chica. I was just thinking about you.” She hoped she didn’t sound as emotional as she felt. She suppressed a deep sigh at her sister’s sweet laugh through the earpiece. “So why are you up so late? Something wrong?”
“Not at all, sis. Cramming for finals isn’t all that exciting, contrary to what’s in the brochures, and it definitely doesn’t compare to one of Diego’s fiestas. Needed to wake myself up a bit.” There was a long pause. “And… I’m a little nervous about some news on a job I applied for today.”
“Ah, what kind of job?”
Her sister sighed one of those dreamy, I’ve-got-it-bad sighs that signaled lustful thoughts. Something she knew about all too well. “It’s a temp job at a security firm here in L.A. I think you’ve heard of Re-Con Securities? It’s owned by two former Recon Marines and from what I’ve heard, they’ve made a name for themselves on a national basis and looking to go international. Anyway, if I get the job, I’ll be their personal assistant and client coordinator.”