Page 173 of Protective Heroes
“Let me close, Shay. Let me in, and I’ll give you everything I have. Just for you. God, only for you, precious.” His voice was a gravely, seductive murmur at her ear and she knew he wasn’t talking about getting between her thighs.
Dyson captured her chin in a gentle hold. She was on edge—desperate for release. Desperate to lose herself in him.
“Don’t be afraid of this, of us, Shay. One more night is all you need. Give me that. Give us that. Don’t run away.” In a soft, raspy voice he added, “I can see you need this, precious. Stay with me tonight.” Golden rays of light captured the sequins on the lower part of her halter top. The myriad of colors bounced around them as if mirroring the emotions of his words.
Something rooted her to this moment with him and it wasn’t having him between her legs. She should be a hundred miles away from here already, but her heart said something different.
Fear clawed at her mind, yet her heart seemed to be the one making all the decisions. A shoulder to lean on in Dyson—maybe even shed a tear or two on—was more than she could hope for, but to burden him with her problems seemed unfair. The man already carried enough weight of his own with his rank in the military. He didn’t need her problems.
He was already too close to her heart—she couldn’t risk him getting closer.
But a few hours to feel the passion that burned between them? Would that be such a bad thing?
Anticipation rolled off Dyson in waves. She was tempted to tease him a little, but with the way his heart pounded against her hand resting on his chest, she didn’t dare push him too far. Besides, she couldn’t lie with the proof of her desire for him already making them both sticky wet.
Tomorrow morning she’d step back into the real world and face her problems head-on, but for the next few hours she was ready for whatever Dyson had in mind.
She hoped her heart knew what it was doing. “You mentioned a bungalow close by?”
Dyson mentally recapped the last few hours.
A wedding, a drug lord, and a sexy Latina. Sounded like a start to a bad joke, but he wasn’t laughing. He’d seen the serious look in the deep set of Bautista’s eyes with his parting words. He’d seen that kind of predatory look a hundred times before and never wished to see it aimed at someone he cared about. When he was damned sure Shay was in the clear, he’d call his CO and get him to use his connections south of the border to warn the local PD. He’d hand off the problem and be done with it.
He tucked his hard cock still wet with her juice back into his pants and led them up the beach a few hundred yards.
“Close your eyes, precious.”
“You really planned this out, didn’t you?” A hint of laughter colored Shay’s words.
“What?” He couldn’t help but return the smile he saw on her oval-shaped face. Such a happy gesture marred only by the darkened circles, which he planned to erase slowly and with as much sex as he could fit into the short time he had with her.
His Shay, if everything worked out as planned. He didn’t only want her for a short time, and seeing how vulnerable she’d been, prey to a man like Bautista, had sealed her fate. Dyson was going to fight for her.
“Cocky and arrogant. How’d you know I’d come here with you instead of heading back?” She tried to peek around his shoulders. “Unless there’s someone el-” Her tone faded from amused to hurt.
“You finish that sentence and I’ll bend you over for a spanking, precious, and make you wait for the rock-your-fucking-world orgasm I know you’re aching for.”
His words sent a flush of light pink to taint her mocha skin, leaving her speechless in the process.
Good. He didn’t need her to decide accepting his offer was a bad idea. He’d thought about getting her back in his bed since the moment she’d left it six months ago, and he’d be damned if anything would keep him from accomplishing his goal when he was so close.
He grinned. “Now, be good and please close your eyes.” He worked in the please this time, reminding himself a suave Don Juan got more than the rougher Marine side of him.
Dyson palmed her hand and led her up the three stairs that spilled into a full-fledged covered porch trailing the length of the spacious bungalow. Sun-warmed wood creaked under their weight. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Shay still had her eyes shut then opened the door.
He escorted her into the living space, closed the door, then stepped up behind her. As tenderly as possible, he pushed her hair aside for a taste of her slender neck. “Open your eyes and tell me what do you think? There’s a hot tub on the other side of those doors.” He turned her toward the far wall where the deck wrapped around the side of the bungalow exposed by ceiling to floor windows, all the while trailing kisses along the soft slope of her shoulder. God, he could get lost in her taste. The feel of her body pressed against his.
Fucking A. Every bone in his body ached for her. So much he’d almost lost control back on the beach when he’d found her so hot and wet for him.
“It’s beautiful. The view, the seaside charm, and rustic feel. But most importantly, the company.” Her voice trailed off into a moan that fed directly into his heart.
He still didn’t understand the pull she had on him. There were no rules of engagement written out on this mission, so he was going in with nothing to guide him but instinct. Hopefully, he knew what he was doing because one slip and Shay would cut the delicate strings connecting them.
“Take your clothes off. I want to see your body before I lick and kiss every part of you.”
Shay slowly stepped out of Dyson’s arms to face him. That same seductive tone she was powerless to resist washed over her rich and dark, leaving her heart thundering in her ears. Hot liquid pooled to wet the thin strip of her panties.