Page 119 of Protective Heroes
Belonging to Her Soldier
Ford’s dick was getting harder with every stride Professor Angelina Dawn took. Her black stilettos would be the perfect accessory to a night in his bed. She could lose the skirt, though. It was slim to her knees and showed off her curvy calves, sure, but he couldn’t fuck her in it.
She did one of her little spinning motions as if to surprise her class awake. It wasn’t working. Most of them attending college courses had been up all night at a training exercise. The guy next to Ford had nodded off twice, and Angelina had stood over his desk busting his balls.
Maybe I should nod off. I’d like to see what she can do with MY balls.
She waved a hand over the group of them. “Does anybody know the answer?”
He let his gaze roam over all her delicious curves. Tall and ample hips with a knot of dark blonde hair on her nape. Her hair never wanted to be tamed into the order she wanted it to—it always tumbled out by the end of her lessons. Maybe because she was always on the move, prowling the classroom as she spoke.
A restless woman—one who needed to be kissed and licked and sucked until she lost all her tension. Then while she was vulnerable, Ford would fuck her until she wasn’t so uptight.
“Corporal Ford, do you know?”
He flicked his gaze away from the luscious hips and to her face. A glint of amusement in her eyes, but her lips were firm.
“If you’re finished looking at my legs, of course.”
A ripple of laughter tore through the class. There were only ten of them, but they all knew Ford. He’d served in Afghanistan with several of them, and the others he’d bonded with through midnight runs and such. They’d seen him going home with a lady or two he’d met down at Walker’s after a couple of beers. And he’d been known to have more than one female private in love with him.
The corner of his lips quirked up as Professor Dawn came to stand in front of his table. With the guys as big and muscled as they were, desks didn’t work in most military classes.
He gave her a lazy smile. “I wasn’t finished, but the answer is galvanic action.”
The light in her hazel eyes seemed to spark with surprise. “So you were listening, Ford. What a surprise.”
His grin broadened.
She stood there for another heartbeat before spinning away in her trademark fashion. Was it his imagination or was there an extra swing in her sweet hips to reward him for answering correctly?
The engineering degree he was after wouldn’t interest him half as much without Angelina. He’d had two classes with her so far. She was a strictly by-the-rules kind of woman. If she’d been in the Army, she’d climb the ranks to Master Sergeant in no time—she was a natural ball-buster.
But she knew how to get what she wanted out of her students.
Too bad she didn’t know what Ford wanted out of her.
As she revolved through the classroom talking about electrons and ions, he let his imagination roam to the filthy side. He hadn’t had a conquest in a while. Actually, the past two months could be called a dry spell, at least for him. It wasn’t that women weren’t willing, or hell, draped all over him when he went to the bar or parties. But lately, none had appealed to him.
Some of his buddies said he was getting pickier. Maybe he was.
One thing was certain—he wanted to pick apart Ms. Dawn piece by delicious edible piece. Starting with that tightly-wound bun and ending with the tips of her toes.
Ford was undressing her with his eyes again, the cocky bastard. Angelina had dealt with a lot of asshole soldiers in her time teaching here at the university. She was used to men ogling her wherever she went, but she didn’t do soldiers.
No matter how hot they looked decked out in their uniforms.
The last guy she’d been seeing was a physics professor here—in the same department as her. They’d hit it off instantly after his transfer from a college in Vermont. In the first few months, he’d fulfilled her completely.
And then one morning he’d gone into the bathroom and his phone had vibrated with a text. Not thinking about privacy and half-awake, she’d rolled over, grabbed the phone and read it.
When you come to Vermont, we need to pick out tuxedo styles. Dum-dum-dum-dummm! Our big day is coming faster than you think! Can you believe it? Husband and wife!
That sinking feeling in Angelina’s stomach had left her gun-shy of men. They were animals—rutting into anybody they crossed paths with just because they could. If a scholar from Vermont could cheat on his fiancée, a soldier had to be a hundred times worse.