Page 88 of Forbidden Heroes
“Okay, love. I want my special someone to love me as much as I love them.”
Maddox shakes his head, causing his hair to ruffle, and I want to run my fingers through the thick mess.
I go to reach up to do just that, but his next words stop me dead.
“That’s not possible. You’ll never find that.”
Puzzlement pinches my brows. “Oh, Mr. Have All the Answers. Why is that? I know I don’t want a risqué lifestyle and I sound older than my years, but there has to be someone out there that can love me as much as I love them.”
“Nope.” The corners of his mouth are pinched.
Damn if he doesn’t say that like he yields all the authority of the universe in the sound of his voice and the worst part, I almost believe the man and his straight-faced answer.
Instead of voicing that thought, I turn the tables just a bit. “Just because you haven’t doesn’t mean I won’t. You can’t rain on that parade if I don’t let you. When I find my Mr. Right that knows how to pleasure me in all ways… I’ll know.”
I glance sideways to catch a glittering mischief in his eyes.
“You won’t ever find someone who will return the same amount of love for you as you have for them because you won’t be able to. That special someone will have no choice but to love and adore someone like you with all their being.”
My mouth kind of falls open at what I am hearing. Or what I hope I’m hearing.
Not what I expected no matter the case.
“So let me get this right. You think my Mr. Right will be so madly in love with me that there will be no way I can match it with my level of love?”
“That’s right, Ms. McBride.” He taps the end of my nose. “Not even a little,” he confirms, and I’m left a little baffled.
I purse my lips in an I call bullshit way that normally irritated the hell out of my father when I didn’t fall for his lines. “Really? How can you be so sure?”
“Because I happen to suffer from those symptoms and can relate them to you from the first time I saw you in my hallways, to the first time I saw you on stage and now. As you lay sprawled over me naked, thoroughly fucked, dripping my sperm and possibly carrying my child already.”
“Such dirty language, Dean Spencer.”
“I’m only getting started.”
He rolls me to my back and has my legs spread around his thick thighs, and I shudder when the cool air of our movements brush over my sensitive folds.
“Tell me again, how is it you came to know I am an exotic dancer?”
He’s looking at me like a hungry wolf. “Was,” he corrects. “You’ll no longer be sharing what is mine with any other man, remember?”
“Is that so?”
“That’s a fucking fact and especially if you’re carrying my child. You can take that to the bank. My friends might like to share and that works for them, but I’m a stingy motherfucker and there’s no other man that will touch this body.”
He’s running his hands over me like he can’t believe I’m all his.
By friends he means Professor Elliot and Professor Samuel who fell in love with and married their much younger student. She was the best friend of my best friend, so I guess that makes her a friend by proxy.
“You’re dodging the question.”
“Am I now?”
“Hmm-hmm and expertly if I might add.”
Maddox falls forward to his hands on either side of me, and in this position the fat head of his already aroused cock brushes over my clit.
I gasp, clutching at the sheets. “Professor,” I groan. When I call him that, his cock gets harder which makes me wetter. He might be the dean, but he was a professor first within the walls of UB.