Page 43 of Forbidden Heroes
He takes my ankles in his large, strong hands, and I take his cock and press the fat, throbbing head to my aching pussy. “Take me.”
“I’m sorry for this, sweetness.”
He sinks every inch in, my walls clenching around him. Eagerly and hungrily, my body opens for him with only a slight sting of pain as I feel his balls hit my ass and he takes my virginity.
Istill above her. I knew she was a virgin and there was no getting past the pain I had to cause her, but I’m a fucking demon walking the earth for what I’ve just done.
My plan fell to the floor in ashes the second I saw her standing in my private room in that white as fresh snow silk robe. Something in me snapped and seeing her eyes glitter like gems in fascination over the frolicking of the other members had my possessive side craving things I knew better than to see through. Like telling her who had bought her for the evening and fucking her senseless anyway. I only intended to watch and observe and after the show send her on her way with her earning—and her virginity.
End of night. No talking. No looking and definitely no fucking.
And what did I do? I shattered everything I swore not to do and now I’m balls deep inside my student’s virgin pussy, and I don’t have the strength to walk away like I should.
“You belong to me now.” I state coolly. Something I have no right to utter, but I do and I mean every last word.
Beneath me, Rosalee doesn’t say anything. Her panting breaths warm my neck and her hands have found their way under my shirt.
“Son of a bitch, I’m a bastard.” I continue my charade, biting my tongue, nearly letting her given name slip from my lips. No way I should know that information.
Her tiny nails bite into my back, forcing me to drive my hips forward. Her nipples draw to a hard point, pressing into my chest when I drop my head to her shoulder, and it’s taking every fucking ounce of my self-control to stay still as her body accommodates my large size. And yet there’s a part of me wanting to drag my needy cock from her tight channel, pull her over my knee and spank that beautiful ass of hers for giving herself to a stranger.
When she circles her hips, I can feel her walls tighten like a vise around my cock and drag cum from the tip.
“Stop,” I beg. “God, what have I done?”
“Nothing I don’t want,” she says, unaware of the mental battle warring inside me.
And with that, I physically feel the wall separating us as professor and student lift even if I am the only one who knows it.
I go to push up from her, but she drags me back into her arms, wrapping her silky legs around my waist, holding me deep inside her.
“Make me come again. Like you did before. Make me feel like I’m wanted.”
God, that did it. No way I’m walking out of here without another stain on my soul for taking something so precious, and might I add barely legal, under the guise of a mask.
Like I said, I don’t have the strength to stop now. She’s as delicious as I dreamed she would be, and my morals only go so far before the primal animal inside takes over. And that side of me is starved for her.
I pull us both up to where she is straddling me, and I pump my hips, holding her in place with my hands on either side of her hips. Her tight body is made for fucking, and there’s no way this beautiful angel will ever belong to another man. I don’t know how, but she will be mine long after tonight is over.
I groan in the back of my throat, seeing her juices drip down my cock to wet us both, and I’m ready to cum, but I hold myself to the line. I want her pussy pulsating around my shaft as I give her my load.
Her head falls back as she winds her arms around my neck. With one arm around her waist and another around her thigh, I withdraw before slamming back in, hitting her clit.
She arches, jutting her nipples forward in just the right spot.
“You have the most beautiful breasts.” I dip my head and feast on the pink tips, sucking and nipping all that juicy flesh.
“Yes, Gideon, God, yes, do it again! Please!”
The blood in my veins nearly freezes in shock when I hear my real name come from her lips. But I can’t stop. I’m too far gone, and I would risk giving myself away if I do. Because I quickly realize it is not me she’s addressing but the fantasy in her head. It’s not me, the stranger in the mask she’s fucking, it’s the man she sees when she closes her eyes. It has to be. What else would drive her to scream my name?
And that truth puts a smile of satisfaction on my face.
I reach between us and brush her sweet clit with the pad of my thumb. “Cum for me sweetness, give it to me now,” I command gruffly.