Page 27 of Forbidden Heroes
I take in the heavy breathing and the fire in my friend’s eyes as she rakes them over her untouchable love interest, and I can’t help the smile and evil plan formulating in my head.
The bell rings again and I wave to my men. I lean my heavy belly forward and whisper loud enough for only my friend to hear.
“I. Dare. You.”
Emberly, Five years later
Irecline on the plush leather sofa in my brand-new office and marvel at the hard-earned diplomas on the wall. It took a while with having a baby and just life all around to arrive at this point. Five more years of college and countless hours of lost sleep to be exact to earn my PH. D in psychology. But so worth it. My dream of finally helping others has become my reality and a sense of pride fills me as I take in my new practice. Cream-colored walls welcome my patients, dark mahogany shelves hold down the opposite wall from the sofa and a hand-carved desk positioned near the windows offers a wide-open view of New York City below as I work.
It’s beautiful with all the twinkling lights and gives me a sense of peace.
Though I put in the hours, I know I didn’t get here alone. My men were by my side the whole time. Still are. Without them and their support, I might not have made it this far. I know I wouldn’t have made it this far. My mother would have made sure of it as soon as her meal-ticket dumped her for a younger, thinner version two years into their marriage. That was a disaster. Thank God I was well out of her reach by that time and with a life of my own.
Beyond the windows, I take in the night sky and the shining of city lights. After graduating from BU Samuel and Elliot moved us into a beautiful home large enough to fit a growing family, but we didn’t stay long. We had our sweet baby girl, Emerald, there but two years later we were Big Apple bound. All the commuting to and from school cut into our family time and none of us liked that so we moved. Best decision we could have made.
Sam and Elliot transferred to NYU and we all make it home for dinner now. Speaking of…my stomach rumbles at the idea of what Samuel promised for a celebratory dinner. Stir-fry and all the sautéed pineapple I can handle.
I glance at my purse where another surprise is tucked away. I take out the pregnancy test and turn it over in my hands before slipping it back into my purse. We’ve been trying for the last year for another baby and I finally worked up the nerve to pick up a test during lunch.
“Is the doctor available for one last patient?”
“How about two?”
Two dark-haired men push through my door and I sit up, smiling.
“I wondered when you two would show up. It took you five minutes longer than I expected. I didn’t even bother getting ready to leave. I knew you’d show up. I even timed you.”
I hold up my phone and give it a little shake to show them the timer I set the second the last patient left and my assistant withdrew for the night.
“We’re soulmates, baby. You know everything about us.”
“And you seriously timed us?”
A hungry glint flashes in their eyes and I’m suddenly wet for my two husbands. Both move in unison to cross the office, neither bothering with the door.
“You can thank the babysitter for us being late and Emerald. She wanted another bedtime story before she would let either of us come pick up mommy.” Elliot pushes past Samuel and I see he’s carrying the dinner I was promised.
“For the new doctor…” He sets two full bags on the small table by the sofa and the aroma has my stomach growling.
I stand. “Thank you, sweet baby Jesus! I’m starving.”
“First,” Elliot swoops his arms around me and plants a hard kiss on my lips. “I missed you today.”
And just like that, I forget all about the food. Elliot has all my focus. From the light stubble to the way his jeans snuggly fit his large form.
“I missed you too.” I touch the tip of my nose against his and lean a little more into his strong arms, letting myself just be for a moment.
Strong hands grab me by the hips and I’m twirled away from one husband into the arms of another.
“Where’s my kiss, beautiful?”
I laugh, unable to keep it in. “Demanding much?” I tease giving the hungry man what he wants. I don’t and Samuel will have me pinned to the desk until I do. I’m half tempted to go that route.
Maybe later.
“Better,” he says and slowly steps away to set a bag of what looks like drinks down beside the food.