Page 236 of Forbidden Heroes
Ten minutes later I dash downstairs after grabbing fresh clothes—Boone demanded I not shower—to find him standing at the sink.
Thighs sticky with our mixed releases, I make my way to him. “What the fuck are they doing here?” he demands but welcomes me into his arms when I step close.
“I called them, silly. You didn't want to believe me that we were meant to be so I called in backup.”
Dark eyes pierce mine, leaving me to only shrug.
“Sorry. You left. I was all alone and didn’t know what to think.”
“I can't believe you called in my brothers.”
I grin sheepishly. “Well, since neither of us have a mother or aunts or anyone else for that matter, who else was I supposed to call?” I ease from his arms and take his hand and walk us out to the deck just as Austin and Hunter pull up.
Boone’s brothers step out of their truck, shades hiding their eyes and a pair of grins on their faces. Like they’ve been waiting for this day to come and they finally get to let their middle brother have it.
Both are big, rough and perfect specimens but only the man beside me has ever done anything for me. Maybe it was the way he held me close and comforted her when my parents were hauled off whispering promises that everything would be all right. Or maybe it was the day he picked me up after getting bucked off an ornery horse. It doesn’t matter. All I know is that I love the man currently nursing a fresh cup of coffee waiting to spring the news to his brother we might be expecting a baby of our own come sometime around Christmas.
I steal a peek at him. The whole calling him daddy thing? Well, before him that never really did it for me, but I like teasing him. Makes the sex hotter and his dick ready to pound me into next month.
I turn back to our guests. Their boots barely hit the wet gravel before Boone is calling out. “No need. You can go back home now.”
I swat at his shoulder. “You're going to send them off without eating?”
Those dark eyes are on me again, and I can see he means business. Well too damn bad. “I called when I thought I’d need help. They came. That deserves something.”
“Yes to your first question and I don’t think you need help anymore.”
“So pushy and bossy after sex. Is this something that I should know for future reference?”
Austin and Hunter take in the way I wrap my body around Boone’s, and their eyes go to one another in a knowing gesture.
“Finally,” they both say in unison, and I motion them to come inside where it’s cooler. Texas humidity will make anyone mad and Boone looks like he could use a cool down.
“I'm making a blueberry cobbler and some fried chicken. Y’all want some stick around and maybe you can help knock out the last remnants of doubt in this guy’s head. I still don't think he's perfectly convinced it's okay to have feelings. And even to show them every once in a while.” That earns me a swat to the ass and I yelp, scooting through the door a little faster.
“Showing isn't the problem. Having them in the first place is.”
In front of my godfather and his other brother, I grab a spatula and turn on Boone. The kitchen table parked next to a large window is bare, and all three take a seat.
“Maybe to you. Not to me.”
“Me either, man. You seem to be the only one hung up on labels that don’t mean a thing outside of legal papers.”
I sidle up to Boone, and he wraps his arms around me. With my whole family looking at me I lower my head and take my lover’s lips with mine, fueling all the love in me into that kiss so he knows this is real. I’m real and it’s okay to love even if it’s wrapped in an ugly cliché’.
“I love you, Boone Urban. To me, you couldn't be more perfect. That’s all I’ve been trying to say.”
He scoops me off my feet and I land in his arms, his lap there to catch me.
“I’ve loved you longer than it’s been legal and wanted you before I should have. Love was never the problem. I was, but we’re home now.”
I shake my head. “You are my home. You’re who completes my soul.”
“You took the words out of my mouth.”
I turn to look at Austin and Hunter but find only empty chairs. “I guess the chicken and cobbler can wait.”
“I want another kind of food anyway,” he purrs, and I’m suddenly afraid I’ll never make it out of the bedroom again. “Oh? Give me your worst, cowboy. I can take a little hard riding,” I tease and run for the stairs. My heart is finally whole after feeling alone in the world. The Urbans might have taken me in, but it’s Boone who gives me the strength to take on the world that lies ahead.