Page 175 of Forbidden Heroes
Dear Scrooge, just a reminder that my virgin pussy is very tight and waiting to be filled with your cock asap.
As Always, Your Winter Angel.
My phone chimed with a new message seconds later.
My Angel, Same room, same time tomorrow. The only difference is my cock will be buried in your hot little pussy instead of your hot little mouth.
Your Scrooge.
The following day it was almost time to meet her back in the room downstairs, but instead of finishing up the last few details of the budget analysis I was supposed to be working on, I was distracted by thoughts of her.
You’d think I’d be used to the distraction by now. After getting off in her mouth yesterday, I should have been able to return to work energized, my mind clear and focused on business. Instead, every time I started to get something accomplished, a vision of my Angel clouded my focus. I’d picture her as I’d seen her last, naked and offering her delectable body to me.
Fuck. I should have taken her, but something had stopped me, even as I had my cock pressed against the opening of her tight little cunt. Before I stepped into that room yesterday, I had made up my mind that I wasn’t leaving the room until I had had my fill of her.
I hadn’t lied to her. I did have some pressing things on my calendar for the afternoon. But I’d instructed Porter to clear my schedule if I wasn’t back within an hour. I could have spent the rest of the afternoon in bed with Angel, tasting her again, making sure she was warm and wet and aching with need before I sheathed myself between the walls of her perfect, virgin pussy.
But as she laid in the bed, spread out like a luscious feast made just for me, I hesitated. As my cock strained up against my belly, making it difficult for me to zip my pants, I’d cursed myself for walking away from her.
But as I raked her body with my gaze, watched her writhe with a desire I knew was all for me, I realized why I’d hesitated to give in to the burning desire to plunge myself into her welcoming body. Her desire was all for me.
I wasn’t sure why that perfect creature had saved herself for so long only to decide to give up her virginity to a total stranger. But it became clear to me as I stood there watching her all but beg me to take her, it wasn’t just about desire. It was about her desire just for me. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that had if I been another man, a different man, she would have walked away without ever looking back the second they tried to escort her onto the elevator that first night.
Maybe it started out as a game, a way for her to indulge in something new and exciting. But now it was about much more for her. My angel wanted me and only me.
I knew it yesterday, and as I saw that truth shining from her gorgeous eyes, I couldn’t bring myself to take her on that hotel bed. Something about it felt cheap and wrong considering the gift she was bestowing on me. So I’d pulled myself away and left her there and spent another miserable afternoon getting very little done as visions of Angel danced in my head.
Which brought me to now, a half an hour from the time I was supposed to meet her in that room again, my cock aching with wanting her, but knowing I still didn’t want to make her mine for the first time in a bed that didn’t belong to me.
With a curse, I threw the pen I’d been clutching down on my desk and punched the button to put me through to Porter’s office.
“You rang, boss?” Porter’s unfailingly cheerful voice came over the line.
“Send one of the housekeeping staff to my office. Now.” My tone came across brusque, but I was in no mood for Porter’s humor right now.
As he always seemed to do, he picked up on my mood immediately. Rather than the normal barrage of questions and comments, he said only, “Sir, yes, sir.” The line went dead.
I reached for my pen and some of the hotel stationery and wrote:
My Winter Angel,
Change of plans. Take the keycard and head to the elevator across from the Eclipse Lounge. I’m sure you remember that elevator. I know I have a few warm memories from the time we spent together there.
Use the keycard and hit the button for the 5th floor. The elevator will stop when it gets there and you’ll have to hit the button to open the rear door instead of the front.
And Angel, before you arrive, be sure to remove your panties. You won’t need them. Though I might like to keep them as a souvenir of the afternoon I have planned for you.
Your Scrooge
Ifolded the note and tucked that and the keycard that allowed access to my personal quarters in an envelope just as a housekeeper tapped on my door.
I gave her the envelope with “Angel” scrawled across the front along with explicit instructions to leave it in the room on the third floor immediately.
At that point, I gave up any pretense of doing work and headed up to my penthouse to wait for her.