Page 144 of Forbidden Heroes
There was no question on my part. I wanted the wicked, dirty promises I see written all over his expression and in his words.
“Have you let anyone touch these beautiful tits?”
I shake my head, hold him to my chest, loving the burn of his stubble against my tender flesh as he lavishes my nipple, nipping and licking at the turgid point.
“No,” I whisper, knowing he probably didn’t see me shake my head given how enthralled he is with my tits.
He pulls away, releasing my nipple with a juicy pop, and palms my neck in a slow glide of his warm palm against my sensitive flesh.
Panting, I suck my lip between my teeth so no one hears us. My fake blackmail routine is one thing, but it would be quite the scandal for Chicago’s wealthiest to be caught with only minutes legal eighteen-year-old and soon-to-be college student half undressed in his library.
It didn’t matter what my birth certificate said. The media and old cronies of Savage Ink’s board members would do everything in their power to ruin Mason. I couldn’t have that.
“You have nothing to hide from, do you hear me? Not when you’re with me. And, Allison, I’m not going anywhere.”
I hesitate for a moment before nodding slowly. I want this man, this stranger. For the first time in my life I wonder if by some odd chance I just might have a chance at a happy future.
“I want to hear every cry of pleasure you want to give me, and some I force, from those beautiful, sweet lips. And remember, Allison. I get what I want.”
Just the tease of his words sends a warmth spilling from my center to wet the thin strip of my thong.
He studies me for a moment, standing over me protectively. His massive shoulders blocking out everything but the view of him looking down at me. I suck in my lower lip despite trying to break the habit for months now, peering up at him. With nothing but the couch behind me, he’s supporting my weight and I have to admit, I feel safe. Maybe for the first time in my life.
“As long as I’m here you’ll never have to fear anyone or anything again.”
I can’t help the blush that fills my cheeks. I don’t know why but his words touch a part of my heart I feared no one would. Out of self-preservation or the thought of no one ever wanting a drug addict’s bastard daughter, I don’t know for sure. Maybe both, but it’s my truth.
I clutch the thick material of my shawl that somehow made it past all his ambitious pleasuring of my nipples, making sure it’s still firmly wrapped around my arms. “No one has ever said those words to me before.”
Caught off guard by the gentle yet sudden jerk and yank of his other hand, I gasp and clutch my now bare arms. My shawl lay at my feet in a pool of white.
Scared he would see the truly ugly side of my life, I pull my long hair forward to cover my arms so he can’t see what lay hidden beneath all that material.
I stood before him, my heavy breasts quivering with the need to feel his mouth back on me, yet scared of the renewed fire in his eyes.
I feel the moment his gaze touches the colored marks on my arms. Like an uncontained wildfire the heat in his eyes morphs into a rage as I look on.
He was furious on my behalf. Never in my life have I ever thought I would need someone as much as I did at that moment. Like I wasn’t alone in the dark, cold world and for once could release some of my burdens.
I try to tell myself how crazy it sounds. I mean, I just met the man, basically broke into his library and fondled his rare book collection, but there’s no denying how he makes me feel.
And cared for, I add to my mental checklist of crazy emotions he’s pulling from me.
He strokes his hands down my arms and I can feel his gaze on the dark, fresh bruises from my uncle.
Until now I didn’t notice the warm fire in the hearth or the Christmas tree. He’d been my one hundred percent focus.
Their combined light bathes the room in a soft glow and I know he can see every single fingerprint my uncle left on me. The light gleams in his eyes and highlights the murder written all over his face.
“Who did this to you, angel? Who dared touch you with such violence?”
His expression said he already knew the answer. But that didn’t change how hard it was to voice the name.
Unlike with my uncle, I’m not scared of the anger I see in Mason’s eyes. He’s beautiful, enormous and for the moment I know he’s all mine. I can’t explain why I feel safe with someone I met no more than an hour ago, but if fate is to be believed, I’m right where I’m supposed to be.