Page 138 of Forbidden Heroes
I growl, my cock pulsing when her gaze flicks over me and lands on my massive hard-on.
I glance at the clock, and for the next thirteen minutes she is off limits.
After that…
I take a deep breath. At nearly twice her age, I had no business entertaining the ideas in my head even if she was legal.
But like I said, I’m no saint.
“My uncle has told me all about you. I’m happy I ran into you before I left.”
She wraps her fingers around mine where I still hold her hands against my large chest. Her sharp green eyes flick over our connected hands and her lips peel back in a warm, knowing smile. As though she likes the small connection as much as I do.
I tighten my grip slightly and pull her a few inches closer. “Is that a fact?” I growl. “You are in my house. The odds are pretty high.” I lean in until my lips are next to her ear. I swear I can almost smell her sweet innocence.
“Do tell me, Ms. Allison Shade. What exactly do you know about me? Or better, what is it that you’ve heard?”
I know I should focus on why she’s really here, but I love the sound of her soft velvety voice and watching her all-too expressive eyes light up with her emotions as she speaks.
I didn’t think my question was difficult but her pinched brows tell me she’s having a tough time coming up with an acceptable answer.
Lucky for me every breath she takes causes her peaked nipples to press into my muscled chest and I catch the soft gasp slip from her parted lips and each one is like her silk fist wrapped around my cock, stroking it from base to tip.
“I’m pretty sure you never want to know what others think about you?” she says playfully and treats me to a full smile that leaves a faint pink color on her cheeks.
I retreat but only far enough to look into her eyes and keep me from ripping off her clothes so I can lick every contour, crevice, and hole until juices run down my chin. I have to focus on her words and pull myself back from that ever-encroaching gray line I’m about to cross.
I let my gaze caress over her soft skin before I draw my attention back to her eyes. She’s watching me drink her in and I can feel her gaze on my body just the same.
I know I shouldn’t push my luck, I haven’t won her over on my side yet, but I want to see how far she’s willing to go to carry out her uncle’s deceit.
“Humor me. I like the sound of your voice.” I can see the glint of surprise in her eyes as she stares up at me. She reclaims one of her hands from mine to play with the ends of my tie.
I feel the stroke of her gaze as her attention travels to my chest. She trails a finger down the soft silk of my dress shirt, her kitten nails a playful rake against my big chest. I tower over her by a good foot or more and I know I can be intimidating, but she’s playing it cool.
She clutches that damn shawl and it drives me fucking crazy that she thinks she needs to hide the truth from me.
“Really, Mr. Savage. I’m not sure you’ll like what you hear. Rumors are nasty. Are you sure you really want to know?”
I reach between us and stroke a finger along her cheek to move a small wisp of hair and I see a hint of color on her cheeks. “I’m a big boy, angel. I can take a few mean words.” I tilt her chin with a gentle touch until she raises her eyes to mine. I see a sadness cross her expression and I can’t help myself. I rub my thumb across her knuckles and bring her hand slowly to my lips. Gently, as I hold her gaze, I kiss each knuckle. She watches in fascination, her full kissable lips parted just enough to fuel my fantasies of seeing my dick slip past those lips.
My voice is low as I lean into her.
“Trust me.” I hold her hand to my chest just over my heart, trying to calm her nerves.
“I just met you,” she counters, but I can tell she’s just as affected as I am.
My eyes lock onto her pouty lips as she speaks and every syllable has my cock throbbing between my legs.
I growl when she steps out of my arms and away from me to retreat deeper into my library. With her back to me, I adjust my hard cock, but I’m so damn big and hard there’s no hiding what she does to me.
No better than a caveman, I stalk forward, following her, wanting to roar my dominion over her.
Truth be told, she owns me.
Trailing a finger over the soft leather of another book left out on a table, she’s matter-of-fact with a boldness that has my attention.
She turns back just as I find a more comfortable angle for my dick and her eyes drop to my hand.