Page 131 of Forbidden Heroes
“I don’t believe it.” I don’t have time to digest the news before all three take my left hand and clip something onto three areas. Hearts. These made of gold with a diamond in the center of each all surround the snowflake.
Fat tears stream down my cheek and they are all three there to dry them with kisses.
“Now every time you look at your snowflake you will see it surrounded by love.”
“And remember the warmth you’ve brought into our lives. And in just a few months we’ll be able to add a fifth heart.”
Each of them rests a hand on my belly and I get a flash of what I will be like as the next nine months progress.
Erik pulls me off the stool and into his arms, carrying me out the door. February snow lands on our lashes as we make our way to their car. For a long moment we just stand there, me and my filthy professors, as the snow falls, my heart warmer than it’s ever been.
Jemma, two years later
The day after their confession of love, we were on a plane heading back to London. Within a week they secured a home for us. They were planning on moving their headquarters overseas and made the decision on our last trip here. Only they didn’t have a chance to share the news after the fallout with my family.
In the two years since they gave me their hearts and I handed them mine, we’ve racked up thousands of flyer miles and charms I cherish—a lion from our trip to South Africa where they were a part of building schools, a cherry blossom from the night in Hong Kong, a llama from our honeymoon trip to Peru.
It’s been a wild ride and every minute I don’t have my face buried in coding, I spend it with them and our mischievous daughter who has my hair, deep green eyes and what I swear is Erik’s sweet tooth.
I’m on my way home having just finished my last class of the day and thumb through a few pictures from a few years back. I smile when my thumb lands on one I almost forgot about.
A couple of flicks and I shoot it off to my guys, hoping they are alone. How I could forget the one I snapped two years ago in London is beyond me. Or was it Paris? All the nights of their passionate lovemaking have blurred together except that night. I remember the night they marked me as theirs.
It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m hoping for a little fun tonight. I smile as I hit send, knowing all of them will be hitting reply within three seconds.
My phone goes off like rockets on the Fourth of July.
“Repeat. Tonight.”
That is Daemon. So direct as usual. He’s opened up more and there are times when if he gets going on a topic he loves, it’s hard for him to stop. I love it. And I wouldn't change it for the world.
Erik pops up next. “Our dirty girl wants to get naughty.” Follow by an eggplant and lips.
Warren. My sweet, broody man is always last to answer. “Take your panties off before you walk into the house. Our little lady is with Brooklyn for the night so let’s use our time wisely. Don’t keep us waiting.”
“See you at home in ten, my loves.”
I finished my bachelor’s in computer science and I’m currently working with Thurston and Black while working toward my Ph. D.
The elevator dings and I step directly into our living room to the delicious smell of Daemon’s favorite chili and cornbread. My stomach rumbles.
“Hi, handsome, is that for me?” I find Daemon where I thought I would— in the kitchen holding out a wine glass knowing he would be my first stop.
“Hey, beautiful.”
“You never cease to amaze me.”
“And we hope we never do.”
Warren and Erik join us and all three surround me much like that first night in the dark room of someone’s home. But this time I’m not hiding who I am or what I want.
“Let’s make another baby tonight.” I pull at the string holding my cranberry wraparound dress on and let it fall to the floor.
All three prowl closer and I’m shared until all three have tasted the wine on my tongue. “Sounds like a plan,” Warren rumbles in my ear.
“But the baby making will have to wait until you have enjoyed a nice, warm meal.” Daemon drags a stool over and pulls me onto his lap.
Erik takes another beside us and together they alternate between feeding me food and delicious wine. “After, we will ravish you until you can’t take any more of us.”
“That will never happen.”
I can’t believe I’ve found a home with the last people on this Earth I thought I would ever fall in love with me. I’m no longer the mousy girl in the back of the room afraid to show her fears as much as her desires. I’m stronger than that now. And I’ll make sure our babies are too.
I didn’t set out to fall for my professors but they’ve proven love comes in so many forms and none of us has any control over what our hearts want, as filthy as it may seem.