Page 7 of Room One Hundred and Six
I curse the tremble running through me because in its wake my nipples turn into hard tips and all three of the men notice in a big way.
Fuck. Me.
My brain stutters. The Ambrose brothers? Their ruby rings. Rings my father gave to them.
My heart threatens to fall from my chest and die. I haven’t thought about these men in years. Before that I was always keeping tabs. Know thy enemy and all that.
Their onyx gazes hold mine a moment longer and then the rest of my body falls prey to their hungry gazes. Dark caresses sweep over the pink swells of my breasts, the painted tips, and all the way down to the other pink flower. The one the artist painted over my barely covered folds.
I watch them drink me in as I do the same to them. Tattoos cover most of their exposed skin—knuckles, necks for the moment. Their faces are clean of any ink, but I can’t imagine they left their chests, arms and back bare.
All three are staggeringly handsome. No, scratch that. They are gorgeous and they are three hundred percent fully focused on me.
Muscled shoulders, thick arms and tapered waists have my mouth going slack. The last time I saw them I wasn’t too interested in men. I had just lost my father, after all. But now, years later, the woman in me recognizes the draw older men have for a younger woman. They know how to pleasure a woman and it’s written all over their confident stances and barely there caresses to my warm skin.
I desperately need to squeeze my thighs shut or excuse myself for a private moment. I get neither. “No, Ivy,” I mutter so softly I’m sure she doesn’t hear me over the music piping through the club’s speaker system. I tuck my chin to my chest and play shy so I can grit out, “Not happening.”
I don’t care what kind of history I have with them—which is limited—they will have my head the second I try to get sticky-fingered with them.
A second later her saccharine voice fills my head. “Oh, sweetie. You didn’t think this would be easy did you? I told you I know more about you than you think.”
What a lowdown, dirty, conniving, bitch.
“I can hear the insults running off in your head. Get the job done if you want the money.”
Ice fingers dig into my heart. I can’t do this.
“I’m out.”
Now my father really is rolling over in his grave.
“No, you’re not. Get to work. I want those arrogant bastards’ rings and you are going to get them for me.” Making her voice sweet and syrupy, Ivy drives the invisible blade deeper into my chest. “Your sister is counting on you, sweetie.”
My fingers ball into fists at my sides. If I could only get my hands on Ivy, I would…
Nothing. I would do nothing because I willingly walked into this trap. She obviously has some beef with them and I’m the tool for her revenge.
My gaze drags off the floor and lifts to brush up their impressively large bodies, perfectly tailored suits, and tatted up necks to find three sets of hooded eyes hooked on me. They’ve come to Club Sin to blow off steam and I’ve walked into their den of sin.
The brother on my right takes a step toward me. “I don’t think we’ve seen you here before. We’re pretty familiar with the member’s list.”
His voice is low, rough and laden with the same desire pumping into my bloodstream. My pulse quickens. He’s sex on a stick.
I blush heavily and I know they can all see the pink hitting my cheeks. The artist made sure to leave me bare of any paint from the chin up.
And they all give a throaty sound of appreciation that spikes my blood with a shot of adrenaline. They like the idea of an innocent lover.
I clear my suddenly dry throat and mentally smack myself into the moment. Playing coy isn’t a strong suit of mine. I’m more of a grab what I want kind of gal and make sure no one sees me while I do it.
But tonight, I’m a new cat in the jungle of seduction.
I summon the courage to look them each in the eye. “I’m new, yes. This is my first evening at Club Sin.”
They grin and look between themselves before I’m gifted with all their attention once again.