Page 41 of Wicked Waters
“I guess that works. What would you do without me?” Tristan winked at Penelope, and her cheeks flushed. It seemed that even the head girl wasn’t immune to his charms. Clearing his throat loudly, he continued.“I had an idea for the name. How about the Olympus ball? Like Mount Olympus, the home of the gods.”
“I like that,” Harriet spoke up, and I could see several other nodding heads. I had no preference either way, so I kept my mouth shut. As far as I knew, there had always been a gods-and-goddesses theme, so it made sense to name the ball after the mythical gathering place of the gods.
“I had a couple of names jotted down, but I like yours. Olympus it is,” Penelope decided, shuffling through her huge binder and making a note.
The conversation turned to food and drink, with Tristan proclaiming that we needed to have a separate alcohol table for those of us who could legally drink, in order to keep it historically accurate. He and Penelope went back and forth for a while, but eventually, they got the food and drink options locked down. Most of the other details had already been worked out, so all that was left to do was to book a DJ and decorator for the main hall, where the ball would take place. Then we could officially kick off the gods-and-goddesses campaign, which I wasn’t looking forward to. Having to try to get people to vote for me when I’d rather not be involved at all…
When the meeting was over, Tristan quickly disappeared, shooting me a quick grin as he left, and I slumped back in my seat, rubbing at my head. The room emptied out until only Penelope was left, and when she’d gathered all her things together, she came to stand in front of me.
“Quinn, are you okay? I can’t help but feel as if you’re putting too much pressure on yourself.” She bit down on her lip. “I’m worried about you. Maybe it would be better if you took off some of the pressure.”
“Well, you’re taking on all these extra-credit things. The history project, for one. It’s not going to count towards your final grade, so why not drop it and ease up some of your time? Or…ugh, I can’t even believe I’m saying this, because I selfishly want you up there with me, but what about not campaigning to be one of the Olympus ball goddesses? You don’t have anything to prove to these people.”
If only. But I’d made an agreement about the goddesses with Aria, and I wanted to do the project.
“I know I have nothing to prove. I…I’ll be okay. Thanks, though. I really appreciate your friendship and your concern.”
She gave me a soft smile. “If you’re sure. But just consider it. I’ll help out on your project; you know I will. We’ll pool our resources, and that should help to ease some of your workload.”
“Thanks. That sounds good.”
“Okay.” Shifting her heavy binder in her arms, she laughed. “Maybe not tonight, though. We’ve covered a lot today, and I don’t think my brain can take any more. I need an early night, and so do you. I can see you haven’t been sleeping properly.”
“You’re right.” Rising to my feet, I followed her out of the classroom, and we made our way in the direction of the Epicurus common room and the dorms.
We parted ways when I reached my dorm, and I threw myself onto my bed, burying my face in my pillow with a groan.
The bed dipped. “That bad, huh? I know just what you need. How about a little late-night trip to the tower? I have it on good authority that a certain person might be there.”
I twisted around until I could see Aria. “I was going to have an early night, but…”
“But nothing. Grace? Mira? Are you two in?”
“Nope. We’ll amuse ourselves while you two are up in the tower,” Samira said, and Gracelyn laughed.
“I’m sure we can find something to do.”
“It’s a deal.” Aria climbed off my bed. “I’ll get all the shit together. Quinn, if you want to nap or anything, I’ll wake you when it’s time to go.”
“Mmm. Okay,” I murmured, my eyes already closed. The bed was soft beneath me, and in no time at all, I was falling into blissful oblivion.
“You owe me. A lot. Like a whole fucking lot,” Tristan hissed as I helped him push his car down the gravel driveway to the open gates. We’d worked our magic with the Cerberus security system…or, more truthfully, we’d used our status and money to make it happen, and if the dozing security guard happened to glance at the entrance camera, he’d see the same feed playing on a loop. Still, it didn’t hurt to be cautious, and that was why we were pushing our cars down the long driveway. The long, long driveway.
“I know I do. I wish things were different, mate, I really do, but how the fuck else am I supposed to spend time with my girl?”
“I still think the tower was a better plan.” His car rolled to a stop next to mine, and he applied the brake, tipping his head back with a sigh.
“It’s cold up there, and it gives me fucking vertigo. How am I supposed to impress Quinn there?”
“Aww, is bad boy Roman Cavendish scared of heights?” he taunted with a smirk.
I gave him my middle finger. “Fuck off. I’m not scared of heights, and you know it. You’re the one with a death wish, hanging out in a crumbling tower with half the wall missing.”