Page 38 of Wicked Waters
She stretched, yawning. “Yeah, I’ve done as much as I want to for today. Do you want to do something before your committee meeting? The common room will probably be quiet. We might be able to commandeer the TV for a bit.”
As she spoke, rain began pattering against the windowpanes, and I felt the chill emanating through the stone walls. I shivered, pulling Roman’s hoodie more tightly around me, completely on board with Aria’s suggestion. The common room was always warm and cosy. And since I didn’t have Roman to warm me up, it would have to do.
“Sounds good to me. I’ll just clear this stuff away, and then we can go.”
Aria had been right. The common room was almost empty when we entered. The only occupants were Katy and Will, two of Hatherley Hall’s prefects and good friends of Elena’s. They were tucked into the corner of the room,deep into a game of chess, and after greeting Aria and me, they returned to their game.
Grabbing the TV remote, Aria dropped onto one of the large sofas. After scrolling aimlessly for a while, she threw the remote down. “There’s nothing good on. Want to play Mario Kart?”
As she was setting up the game, my phone vibrated with a message notification. When I unlocked the screen, I smiled.
Why aren’t we studying the same A-level subjects? Knox isn’t as pretty to look at as you
Don’t tell him that
It would crush him. It can be another one of our secrets
Speaking of secrets. I can’t wait until we get out of here. No more school. No more parental demands. Just you and me baby
I can’t wait either
I couldn’t help but wonder what a future between me and Roman looked like. The way he spoke with so much certainty, referring to the future like there was no doubt that we’d be together, made something inside me ache. I wanted that more than anything.
My phone vibrated again, and I glanced back down at the screen with a smile, which was wiped away when I saw who the message was from.
Your mother and I received word of your latest assignment results. Keep up the good work. We’re pleased with your progress. However, it has been brought to our attention that you’ve been fraternising with the Cavendish boy. Remember our agreement, darling. This is for your benefit.
Fuck. I blew out a breath, my mind racing. And then, I prepared to lie to one of my parents.
Thanks, Dad. I’ve only been in a group situation with him. I haven’t sought him out at all, as per your rules. In fact, I’ve only really been speaking to his friend, Tristan Smith-Chamberlain
I see. The Smith-Chamberlains are a prestigious family, and Tristan is the head boy. Your mother and I certainly won’t discourage you from gently pursuing something with someone of his standing when your studies are over, but your focus must be on your schoolwork now. I don’t want to hear any hint of a scandal.
“Gently pursuing” was parental speak for keeping things strictly PG. Little did they know that Tristan was the last person to keep things PG with someone he was interested in. Not that they’d ever find out. And if they wanted to think I was interested in him in the meantime, that would keep the focus away from Roman.
I sent one final reply.
I understand. I have to go now. I have a committee meeting for the ball soon. Give my love to Mum