Page 139 of Viper
He gave his head a quick shake. “Forget it.”
Cursing aloud as the blanket in her hand burst into flames, Ella dropped it on the nursery floor in surprise. “I am sick and tired of this shit.”
Beside her, Mia quickly dowsed the fire with a flick of her hand, her expression sympathetic. “Dr. Greene warned you that your abilities might—”
“I know, I know. But she said the power-hiccups happen in the third stage of pregnancy. I’m not even fully out of stageoneyet.”
“Only by typical demonic pregnancy standards. I think the gestation period for you is going to be more that of a celestial.”
As did Viper. It was kind of unnerving. As was the fact that, according to him, the baby was psychically developing at a faster rate than expected. That would mean Peanut wasphysicallydeveloping at much the same speed. Hence her bump.
“If that is the case, you’re firmly in stage two,” Mia added. “You should be pleased by that. It means you’ll get to meet your little ball of wonder sooner than you thought.”
“But I can’t do something as simple as place a protective spell on one of the baby’s blankets without damaging something,” Ella sulked.
It had gotten to the point where people held their breath whenever she tried using her abilities. Sometimes she’d manageto conjure only a spurt of magick rather than emit a long stream of it. Other times, it would be vice versa.
Plucking the scorched blanket from the hardwood floor, she grimaced. “It’s completely ruined.” Her voice cracked.
Mia took the blanket from her, tossed it out of the open door, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, it’s all right. I’ll bet Peanut’s not upset about it.”
Ella touched the baby’s mind, and she had the impression of laughter. She huffed. “At least someone finds it funny.” It no longer felt strange that the baby was so advanced. She’d gotten used to it.
Each time she and Viper touched Peanut’s mind, they found only contentment. Providing, of course, it wasn’t tired, sleepy, or annoyed by something happening outside the womb. Like when strangers boldly tried touching her belly—it really didn’t like that.
Mia rubbed her back. “Peanut’s got more blankets where that one came from. And after the birth, you can put protective spells on them all. Though the baby’s safe enough here. You put wards all over the room.”
Of course she had. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust his brothers, it was that you could never be too careful.
Mia had added her own magick to the wards, strengthening them. As had both Melodie and Jocelyn when they visited two days ago.
Viper’s plan to make them back down had worked. Her mother had Ella called the morning after Luka’s visit to the compound a week ago, apologized for her behavior, promised to make it all right, and then suggested they try the family dinner thing again.
During the meal, Melodie had been perfectly polite toward Viper. Jocelyn had been equally polite, though a little tense. Luka had thankfully stuck to his word and kept things civil.Though Luka’s civility held a standoffish edge, there was a little mirth there. Ella got the feeling he got a kick out of the ‘friction’ between himself and Viper; like it would be part of their dynamic.
Despite that the dinner had gone without incident, Ella was taken aback when her mother and aunt asked to stop by the compound a few days later. They’d wanted to see where Ella lived.
While they were here, Viper had introduced them to his brothers. The visit had gone better than expected. Probably because it was plain to see that these particular fallen angels weren’t as cold and scary as they seemed.
Okay, they could certainly be scary. And they were more dangerous than people assumed. But they could joke, laugh, shoot the shit, and come across as somewhat normal. Neither Melodie nor Jocelyn had been able to keep smiles off their faces.
Whatreallywon them over was how obvious it was that the entire club were not only supremely protective of Ella but were helping take care of preparations for the baby—including with decorating the nursery.
Ella let her gaze scan the room. It had been painted a lemony yellow and furnished with a crib, rocking chair, dresser, and wardrobe. Toys practically spilled out of baskets. Clothes had been washed and placed in drawers. A baby monitor stood on the dresser near the crib. Other items such as feeding essentials, diapers, hooded towels, and a bathtub were neatly positioned here and there.
As something hanging on the wardrobe door caught her eye, Ella frowned. “Who bought that?” It was a sleepsuit with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Apt.
Looking at it, Mia gave a wan smile. “Not sure. Probably Ghost.”
“No, he bought the tiny superhero suit.” Ella thought it was super cute how the Black Saints were as bad at buying baby stuff on impulse as she was.
Thingsappearedin the nursery all the time. Some were necessities, others were cute stuff like plushies and toys. Darko had even had a little biker jacket made for the baby.
“On the subject of Ghost,” began Mia, “want to tell me why you shoved him off the sofa and zapped his ass with magick?”
Ella scowled. “He went whining to you about it?”