Page 131 of Viper
She came, her back bowing, her thoughts splintering.
Viper slinked up her body and lowered his weight onto her, his muscles bunched with barely restrained need. A hand palmed her ass and lifted it as he nudged the broad head of his cock inside her. “You ready to be fucked?”
Ella licked her lips. “I’m ready to be claimed.”
He went completely rigid, tension crawling into his frame; his gaze piercing hers, searching and studying.
He wasn’t going to find any doubts there. All he’d see was excitement and certainty. Those same emotions coursed through her demon. The idea of performing the binding—whatever it entailed—appealed to them both.
She understood why he’d asked her to wait. Understood he’d wanted to be certain she was fully committed to him in mind, body, and soul before he bound them together. But if he asked that they wait longer she was gonna throat punch him.Afterhe’d fucked her, of course. She wasn’t going to do herself out of another fabulous orgasm.
“You’re sure, Ella?”
“I’m sure.”
“I’ll claim everything that you are,” he warned. “You’ll never get any of it back.”
“I won’t ever want it back. It’s all already yours anyway.”
Viper pulled in a breath as relief, triumph, and male contentment rooted themselves deep in his belly. “Mine.” With a low growl, he closed his mouth over hers and slammed his cock deep.
He swallowed her sharp cry as he rode her hard, urged on by his smug-as-fuck entity. Viper had originally intended to take her slow and easy. But his restraint was a distant memory. All he could think about was taking, possessing, gorging,claiming.
So long he’d yearned for this. He’d almost had it once, only to lose her before he could lay his claim. Now it would finally happen.
His entity pushed to the surface and stared down at her. “We own all of you now. You’ll only ever belong to us.”
Ella swore in surprise as the entity began to ferociously fuck in and out of her. She tightened her legs around its waist, diggingher fingers into the hard muscle of its back. Every thrust was savage, relentless, entitled.
Pure white eyes became a striking blue as Viper resurfaced. “Open for me.”
She felt him, then; felt his mind stroking against hers insistently. “It’ll hurt you to be in my mind.”
“It’ll hurt a lot less if you drop your shields. Open for me, Ella.”
Even as her belly fluttered with nerves, she lowered her psychic shields. He poured into her mind, fast as water gushing along river rapids; filling every space, marking every corner, leaving pieces of himself.
Then … it was as if her very beinglifted. Floated toward him, like it had been called. She recalled that he could do that; could call souls, take them.
Their souls touched. No,joinedwith a warm click.And, God, now she felt every bit of pleasure he was feeling.
That pleasure soared through her, amplifying her own.
Then his teeth sank deep, a flash of pain spiced her spiraling pleasure, andboomshe fractured.
By the time she came down from her high, he was slowly and idly gliding his softening cock in and out of her as he blew over her bite, healing the puncture marks.
Ella blinked at him. “Wow. That was intense.”
His lips curved. “And now you’re irrevocably mine. Good luck with that.”
She chuckled, sweeping a hand up his back.
Withdrawing his cock, Viper nuzzled her temple. “Love you, baby.”
Her lips trembled. “And I love you.”
Fuck, his heart hurt in the best way. She alwaysshowedwhat she felt for him; never hid it from her voice, expressions, or bodylanguage. Saying it aloud simply never came easy to her, so it meant that much more when she gave him the words.