Page 24 of Bound By Love (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles 6)
“Luca, please,” I murmured.
“You listen to me, Grace. You will leave New York again and you won’t come back. I will say this only once: you will never threaten my wife again, or you will be the first woman I will skin alive. That’s a fucking promise.” He hit his chest with the hilt of the knife, right where his Famiglia tattoo was. His gaze made me shudder, and Grace finally realized he was being serious. Color drained from her face as she nodded. “And now you will go to your fucking room, and you won’t emerge until this fucking party is over.” He released her and she ran down the corridor where her room must have been.
Luca turned to face me, sheathing his knife, the remnants of the monster still in his expression.
I exhaled. “God, even I was scared of you. You can be terrifying.”
Another chunk of the monster fell off, his expression softening as he regarded me. “So I have been told.”
I stepped up to him and put my hands up against his chest. There was no sense in punishing Luca for something Grace had said or done. I’d forgiven him for his slipup long ago. With my touch, the last of Luca’s darkness fell off and the warmth reached his eyes. “Don’t listen to a word she says, Aria. She thrives on spite and lies.”
“Two years?” I asked quietly.
Luca shook his head. “She was one of many, Aria. I only returned to her because…” He stopped himself.
“Because of her missing gag reflex,” I muttered.
“Aria,” Luca said almost angrily, reaching for my hand and pressing it against his chest, over his heart. “I’ve never wanted anyone more than I want you, and not because I have to imagine my aunts naked to stop myself from shooting my cum the moment your perfect lips close around my cock, though that too, but because you make me laugh, because you are kind and because whenever I look at you, I feel something I’ve never felt before: peace.”
I swallowed.
Matteo chose that moment to barge into the corridor. “It’s close to midnight. You lovebirds should make a reappearance.” His eyes narrowed as he took in the way we were facing each other.
I gave Luca a small smile to show him we were okay, and he took my hand and led me back to the party. Shortly after midnight we left. Luca was on edge, and staying any longer would only increase the risk of him losing his temper.
Together we returned to our penthouse to toast the New Year again without dozens of curious eyes on us.
Matteo and I grabbed glasses and a bottle of champagne, and headed out onto the rooftop while Luca searched for snacks. Fireworks were still rising into the sky in the distance. Matteo opened the bottle and poured champagne into the three glasses before he handed one to me. His dark eyes were keen as he regarded me.
“Grace cornered you at the party.”
I didn’t say anything but gave a small nod as I took a sip from my champagne. Then when I was sure my voice would come out strong, I said teasingly, “I hear I’m not the only one she cornered.”
Matteo cracked a grin. “More than cornered,” he said suggestively.
I nodded, looking back out toward the skyline.
“Trust me, no missing gag reflex ever made Luca look at Grace with anything close to the fucking vomit-inducing adoration he shows you when he thinks no one is watching,” Matteo said with his trademark grin. “My brother is hopelessly in love with you, and to be honest I want to have the same drugs you use on him for Gianna so she’ll look at me the same way once we’re married.”
I burst out laughing, and champagne shot out of my mouth and onto Matteo’s shirt. He glanced down at it then back up at me with raised eyebrows. “That was incredibly sexy—no wonder Luca can’t keep his hands off you.”
“I have my moments,” I said with an embarrassed smile.
“What was sexy?” Luca asked sharply as he stepped up to us with a plate loaded with bread and cheese and olives. He shoved it at Matteo, who winked at me. “Possessive husband mode activated.”
Luca circled my waist with his arm. “Matteo, I think you pissed me off enough for one evening. You don’t have to shoot all your ammunition today.”
“I never shoot all my ammunition, Luca,” Matteo said with a grin, wiggling his eyebrows.
I pressed up to Luca, feeling my cheeks heat from embarrassment and the effects of the champagne. Luca sighed, but when he looked down at me, I could tell he was happier than I’d seen him all day.
“And that look is my cue to head out and find someone to shoot my ammunition at,” Matteo muttered, downing his champagne.