Page 116 of Bound By Love (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles 6)
As long as I didn’t have a second bodyguard for her, I wouldn’t let her leave the apartment unless I was with her.
“Maybe I can take over a few shifts,” Romero suggested.
I shook my head. I’d settled things with him and I would have preferred him to guard Aria again, but that was no longer an option. “You are Captain now, and you are a husband. That changes things.”
Romero’s eyes darted toward Lily, and I knew I couldn’t let him watch Aria. His priorities had shifted, and knowing the impact of love, I knew no threats would make him choose Aria’s life over Lily’s if it ever came down to it.
“What do you think of Demetrio?” I asked.
“He’s a good fighter, loyal, and unattached. There’s only the Famiglia for him,” Romero said, and his mouth set tight with guilt.
“He got Angelo for us, didn’t blink when you killed Gottardo.”
Demetrio had hated his father and his half-brothers. As a bastard son, he’d suffered living with them. He was grateful I had killed them.
“I’m considering making him Underboss of Washington if he proves himself.”
“The added incentive will definitely help,” Matteo said.
Romero nodded but didn’t look convinced. “He’s still young.”
“Twenty. You weren’t much older when you started guarding Aria.”
“Do you trust him with Aria?” Matteo asked.
My eyes moved to my wife, who was smiling at her sisters, her palm pressed against her belly.
“No. But I don’t have many options. I can’t guard her all the time. And I know Demetrio’s weakness. I will use it to keep him in line if I have to.”Demetrio stepped into our gym, eyes cautious as they settled on Matteo and me. He usually worked with Orfeo, the son of one of my Captains, and it was obvious that he was wary of my reasons for calling him here. He was one of the few family members I could stand, though being a bastard he wasn’t even officially considered family. He had always been a loyal asset.
“Luca, Matteo,” he said carefully, stopping a few steps from us. His eyes took in my clothes with a frown. I had already changed into sweatpants, nothing else. No sense in getting blood on a shirt.
His gaze moved to the boxing ring behind me and tension filled his body. He was tall, Matteo’s height, but a couple of inches shorter than I, and not as muscled but that was a given.
I could see caution and a hint of worry in his eyes, but he didn’t reach for his gun or try to run. “You called for me?” His voice was firm and he met my gaze straight on.
I nodded, and took a step closer to him. He didn’t back off. “You’ve proven your loyalty in the last few years, and I’m considering making you Underboss of Washington.”
His eyes registered surprise. Washington was one of the most important cities in my territory and he was only the bastard son of my uncle Gottardo, not someone who was meant to inherit his father’s title—but he was someone who had never given me reason for distrust. Usually he would have become Captain, no more.
“It’s an honor,” he said. “What do I need to do to prove my worth?” Still caution and wariness.
“You will guard my wife over the next year.”
Demetrio’s eyes widened. “What about Sandro?”
“He will be second guard, but I want someone as deadly as you when I’m not around. Let’s see if I’m right that you are the best choice.”
I nodded at Matteo.
He pulled his knife and gave his shark-grin. “You should get your knife out as well. I will try not to kill you.”
Demetrio removed his jacket and unsheathed a long curved knife, then held it out at chest level as he faced off with Matteo.
Matteo lunged. Knives clanged. Demetrio held his own but Matteo wasn’t out for the kill, of course. Yet, I was happy with what I saw.
“Enough,” I said. “Now you will fight me.”
Demetrio wiped blood from a cut in his cheek, then eyed me warily.
“Without weapons,” I said.
He dropped the knife and I attacked. I landed a few hard hits against his sides, stomach and face, but he got me a few times too, not enough to bring me to my knees but it was better than nothing. Eventually, I grabbed his throat and wrenched him to the ground, then dug my knee into his chest. I eased my hold on his throat enough for him to breathe then brought my face close. “Aria is my wife. She is mine.”
He swallowed, a hint of anger in his dark eyes. “I would never do anything, I swear.”
“I don’t have to tell you what I’ll do if you touch her.”
“Everyone knows she’s off-limits, Luca,” he ground out. “I’m not insane. And no offense, but she isn’t my type.”
Matteo laughed. “Demetrio, you’ve got a dick. She is your type. I’m Luca’s brother and even I can admit that I like what I see.”