Page 46 of Bound by Hatred (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles 3)
Sandro hesitated, ankle bracelet in hand, and darted an inquiring look my way.
I’d never put an ankle bracelet on anyone, so even if I fucking hated the thought of Sandro touching Gianna’s leg, it was the logical choice. I nodded. “Go on.”
“Extend your left leg.”
Gianna sent me a scathing look but she raised her leg without protest. Maybe she’d decided it was the better option than being locked into the apartment all the time, or maybe she was coming up with torturous things to do to me as retribution. I had a feeling I might enjoy whatever she had in mind, even if that wasn’t her intention.
Sandro bent over Gianna’s leg and started fastening the small black monitor around her ankle. I leaned against the kitchen bar next to Gianna. She didn’t glance my way.
“Will this monitor my alcohol intake as well?” she asked Sandro. He raised his eyes to her, then me.
“I don’t care if you’re getting drunk as long as you do it in New York,” I said. Her blue eyes fixed me with another scowl before she turned back to Sandro, who was checking the bracelet for its functionality.
With a nod, he straightened. “All done. You can trace her with your laptop, phone or any other internet-ready device.”
“Great,” Gianna muttered.
“Thanks, Sandro.”
“Do you need anything else?”
I shook my head. “Not today. Romero is upstairs. You can return to your other tasks.”
Sandro gave Gianna a curt nod before he turned around and headed for the elevator. After I’d let him out, I returned to Gianna.
“So how long am I going to have to wear this thing?” she asked, lifting her leg to take a closer look at the small black device around her ankle. I hated seeing her with that thing. It seemed wrong to shackle her like that, but Luca had suggested the bracelet and it was a neat solution. Gianna was too volatile for her own good.
“Until I decide I can trust you enough not to do something stupid.”
“So forever.” She dropped her leg back down.
I chuckled. “No. I like your gorgeous legs better without the ankle monitor, believe me. I’ll relieve you of that thing as soon as possible.” I traced my fingers over her bare knee, then higher until I reached the edge of her jeans skirt. She swatted my hand away and hopped off the barstool.
“Hands off,” she said sweetly.
I raised my eyebrows. “I thought you wanted to continue where we left off before?” I really wanted to fucking continue where we left off.
She walked past me toward the coffee maker, swaying her hips in a way that turned me hard again. “I’m good,” she said with a shrug. “All I need is a cup of coffee.” She grabbed a new cup and put it under the coffee maker before peering over her shoulder at me. “What about you? Is there anything you need?” Her eyes wandered down my body toward my hard-on. I could tell that she was fighting a smile.
Oh, fuck. She really knew how to give me bedroom eyes. And obviously she thought she could play my game better than I did. “I’m good too.”
She brought her cup to her mouth, took a sip, then ran her tongue slowly over her upper lip.
I stifled a groan. I had to meet Luca to discuss what I’d missed in the last few months while I’d been hunting Gianna, but I really wished I could watch her all day and maybe convince her to run her tongue over my cock. I strolled toward her and twisted a strand of her hair around my forefinger. “I hate your new color. I liked you better red.”
Gianna pulled back and set her cup down with a clang. “Well, looking good wasn’t my main concern while I was on the run. Maybe you didn’t notice but a notorious mobster was hunting me.”
I grinned. “Notorious?”
She rolled her eyes. “If you are fishing for compliments, then you’re talking to the wrong person.”
I didn’t tell her to dye her hair back to her natural color, even though I wanted to. I knew she wouldn’t do it if I tried to push her. Maybe admitting that I liked her red hair was already enough to make her want to stay a brunette forever. “I’m meeting with Luca. You can spend the day with Aria upstairs if you want.”
Her eyes widened. “I’m allowed to spend the day with Aria?” After a moment, her mouth twisted and she added. “Not that I should need your permission to see my sister…”
“You and Aria haven’t seen each other in a long time, I suppose you have a lot to talk about.” I wondered if Gianna would tell Aria about last night and what exactly she would say. Normally I’d ask her what she’d enjoyed but I knew Gianna wouldn’t give me an honest answer. Women had never complained about my sexual skills, but I wanted to hear it from Gianna. Maybe Luca was right and I was a vain asshole.
“Can we go up now?” Gianna asked, excitement lighting up her face. It was the first real emotion she’d shown me all morning.
“What about a kiss to convince me?”
She surprised me by grabbing my shirt, jerking me toward her and pressing her lips to mine. Her sexy body leaned up against me and her tongue slipped into my mouth. I didn’t need any more encouragement. I grabbed her ass-cheeks, squeezed, relishing in her gasp as our tongues danced with each other. I pushed my hard cock against her. She needed to know what she was doing to me. Fuck. I was so fucking hard, it was a wonder that I hadn’t come in my pants yet like an idiotic teenage boy.
Without warning she drew back and I growled in response, my grasp on her ass tightening, but she pushed my arms down and stepped out of reach. “You wanted a kiss, you got your kiss. Now let’s go to Aria.”
That vixen. I knew by her rapid breathing and flushed cheeks that she was as effected by our kissing as me, but she seemed determined to suppress her lust. I’d simply have to up my game, show her what a mind-blowing orgasm really meant. After that, she’d hopefully be putty in my hands.