Page 94 of Dark Witch Resurrection
She nodded. "It is not good to be overly obedient. It is much better to think and evaluate than to follow blindly. People can do terrible things when they cease thinking critically and independently. The result is them usually turning into a mindless herd when pacified. Becoming a dangerous mob is only a spark away."
"There is always an instigator," Anandur said.
Kian sighed. "Speaking of trouble and instigators, I must confess that I have been keeping some things from you."
She usually knew everything that was going on, so his news probably wouldn't surprise her.
His mother frowned. "What is happening?" Maybe she didn't know.
Kian sighed, running his hand through his hair. "There've been a few minor acts of sabotage and thefts. Also, one of the pureblooded Kra-ell was very rude to the new human in the village. On their own, these are not events that would merit a mention, but the pattern I'm starting to see indicates discontent."
His mother nodded. "The village is going through demographic changes, and you cannot expect everything to go smoothly or settle without some friction. People need time to adjust to a new reality."
He hesitated, his gaze sliding away from his mother's. "I'm starting to wonder if inviting the Kra-ell and some of the humans from their compound to live with us was a mistake. We don't have the same culture or the same values, and we are immortal while they are not. That might make them envious and resentful. On the other hand, they have many more children than the clan members have, and that could bring resentment from the other side."
His mother was quiet for a long moment. "You are correct that there are differences, but they are not that big that we cannot coexist. It is not like what is happening in the human world where religious wars still rage in this day and age." She sighed. "I hoped that era was done with and that we had entered a new era of enlightenment, never to return to that darkness, but as usual, humans make a step forward, grow complacent, and then let evil drag them two steps backward. I am so tired of that never-ending cycle." She turned to look out the window. "I keep wondering what part Ell-rom and Morelle will play in our future."
Kian nodded. "Bringing the twins into the fold introduces yet another factor into an already delicate balance. I worry that it might be too much for our community."
To his surprise, Annani laughed, a beautiful sound that held no trace of reproach or judgment. "Oh, Kian," she said, shaking her head with a fond smile. "There have always been voices of dissent, my son. You have just chosen to forget about them. Our community survived then, and it will survive now."
Kian knew what she was referring to, and she was right. Not everyone was happy about him leading the American arm of the clan, and Sari the one in Scotland, despite the stellar job they were doing. Some just did not want Annani's children ruling over them.
They wanted a full democracy.
Perhaps he should give it to them. After all, if he held an election today, the vast majority would vote for him.
His mother leaned back in her seat, her gaze growing distant as she lost herself in memory. "Do you remember Alex?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of old anger. "I still cannot believe one of ours could commit such crimes, but he did. I guess every society has its share of sociopaths. Amanda considered him a friend because he was charming and perfected his act. But only a sociopath could kidnap young women and sell them for profit while blaming the unfair clan leadership system for his evil deeds." She turned a pair of glowing eyes at him. "When he was caught, he expressed no remorse."
"That's because he was indeed a sociopath, as you have aptly noted. What did trafficking unsuspecting, naive college girls have to do with the clan's leadership? Nothing. It was just an attempt to put a political spin on his evil deeds."
His mother snorted. "He was right about one thing, though. The clan is not a democracy. It is a family. And like any family, there will always be bad apples, those who seek to sow discord and strife for their own gain."
"Rotten apples," Anandur murmured. "If you don't catch them, they will spoil the whole bushel."
"Then we have to catch them," Kian said. "Pretending that they don't exist will not save the bushel." He turned to his mother. "On another subject, what do you want to do about Jasmine? We can keep her out of the room when you talk to Ell-rom, or we can get the introductions out of the way and let her stay. It's up to you."
Annani didn't answer right away. "Jasmine might be Ell-rom's mate, so even if we keep her out of the room, he will tell her everything later. She is there for him around the clock, and I am sure that a bond between them already exists even though they have not been intimate yet."
Kian groaned. "I need to get into her head and make sure she is who she claims to be."
"Edna probed her," Anandur said. "There is no need for that. Just imagine what will happen when Ell-rom is back to his full power and discovers that you violated his mate's privacy by peeking into her mind."
He had a point.
"I will ask her permission first," Kian said.
That seemed to satisfy Anandur. "Good. That way, she can't complain to him later."
His mother smiled. "As we have discussed before, we shall welcome Jasmine into the clan with all the usual pomp and ceremony, and I would rather you did not spoil her welcome by asking to look inside her mind. I trust Edna's intuition or the probe, as you call her talent."
His mother was right, and the truth was that he didn't get any negative vibes from Jasmine. "Where would you like to do that?" he asked.
"I will wait for Jasmine in your office at the keep, and you will bring her to me."
Kian hesitated. "I’ve thought about it, and I'm not sure it's wise. Jasmine is not a clan member yet, Mother. We don't even know for certain that she's a Dormant, although the odds seem to be in her favor."
Annani's eyes sparkled with a knowing light. "Finding the missing pod was a great feat of supernatural ability, which indicates that Jasmine is a Dormant. Besides, the Fates have spoken loud and clear. The threads of Ell-rom and Jasmine's life were woven into the Fates' tapestry. They are destined for each other." She leaned forward and took Kian's hand. "The end of their journey is already known, my son. They need only to take the right steps to get there."