Page 6 of Wrong Number
“I’d rather you do that, too, kitten.” The softness in his voice told me how sincere he was.
We’d started to text after I’d told him he had the wrong number. Texts had turned into calls that had turned into this, but he’d yet to ask to meet me. I knew by the area code of his phone number he was in the same city, but maybe he wasn’t? Maybe he was far away and just happened to have the same area code I did?
It was crazy meeting someone the way we had. Getting to know him had been easy. Maybe it was because, in a way, he wasn’t actually real. He was just a voice on the other end of the line who helped me feel a little less lonely without me having to get out there and step out of my routine.
“It’s chilly tonight.” He sighed. My lips started to quirk up.
“I’ll bring a sweater.”
“I hate how late you gotta be out.”
“I’m safe. No one ever bugs me.” Hell, I was pretty sure no one even noticed me.
It wasn’t that I was hideous, but I was kinda plain. Curvy because even though I walked a good mile to get to the bus station to get to either job, I loved bread, and I would never give it up. It meant I had an ass and boobs and some tummy, though it had never really bothered me. I glanced down at my body and chewed on my lower lip. I wasn’t like the women who graced magazine covers. What if a man like Nix saw me and was disappointed by what I looked like?
“Where did you go?”
“I’m here.”
“You know that’s not what I mean. What’s wrong? You got quiet,” he observed softly. I opened and shut my mouth.
“Nothing, just thinking about the rest of the week.” It was Wednesday night. I had tonight's cleaning shift and two more days at the call center then one more cleaning shift Friday night.
But I had the weekend off and to myself.
Originally, I’d thought about asking Lana if she wanted to do something, but she mentioned she had plans, so a weekend on my own worked out.
“You don’t get enough sleep, Vivi.” Vivi. I liked that, too. No one had ever called me that. It had always been Vivian or Viv, never Vivi. “You gotta go to work, and then you gotta wake up early.”
“I know, but… it's almost the weekend.” I tried to look at the positive. “I’m not doing anything after my Friday shift cleaning offices. I have the weekend off.”
“Hmm…” his voice rumbled. “You know where you gotta go clean before you go to your shifts?”
“Sometimes. But not all the time. Depends how many workers my cousin has on shift.”
“You really have no plans? At all?” Suddenly, I wasn’t sleepy anymore. Is he going to ask to meet? Will he finally do it?
“Not really. Just staying home. I’ll probably stop by the grocery store after my cleaning shift and just do laundry at home. Why?”
“Just wondering.” His voice rumbled into nothing, and silence filled the line for a heartbeat.
“Do you think I’m boring?” I blurted.
“No.” He didn’t miss a beat to answer. “Not even a little bit.”
“Should I go on some hot date?” I teased and laughed softly when he made an animal-like sound.
“That’s not funny, Vivian.”
“I don’t think I could find one anyways,” I accidentally said out loud.
“Viv.” His voice sounded different. Tortured almost.
“Anyways, I just—” I tried to change the subject, but he had other ideas.
“Send me a picture,” he blurted, and I stilled.
“What?” My voice cracked. We hadn’t done this. We hadn’t sent pictures to one another or even brought up what we looked like. We also hadn’t talked about meeting face to face.