Page 54 of Fated to the Damned
She’s still breathing. That’s good right?
“Jessa?” I whisper. My voice is hoarse because I haven’t stopped talking in hours. I want her to know I’m here, just in case. I will be with her through it all. “You are doing amazing, ómorfi.”
Her skin has paled, her features sharpened. Her heart rate has finally slowed. I think the Change is nearly over. At least I’m hoping. I don’t know how much longer I can take.
Leaning down, I press a kiss to her forehead and push her hair back. And then she stirs.
I freeze, watching her carefully as her eyelids flutter. It seems like her body isn’t ready, but Jessa is fighting it hard. A gasp nearly escapes me when her eyes fly open and bright hazel ones meet mine.
“Jessa,” I breathe. And then I break.
I pull her into my arms, kissing her deeply, holding her to me. “Oh, thank the First! You’re awake.”
She chuckles, though the sound is hoarse, and I settle her in my lap, unwilling for her to go too far. “Yes, I made it.” She pushes my shoulder. “What happened to you had ‘no doubt I’d survive.’”
I smirk. “I can still worry over my mate.” I caress her face tenderly. “How do you feel?”
“Sore. How long was I out?”
I can’t stop touching her as I stroke down her back. “Nearly a day.”
Her smile droops, and she looks at me with pinched brows. “But I have to tell you something. It’s something I should have before, but we got so caught up in the mating and the Change–”
“What is it?” I ask as she shakes her head at herself.
“As I was going through the Change, my memories played before me. And I realized I never told you what I learned that night with the dark elves.”
I blink, realizing she’s right. I was so grateful she survived, I forgot about the whole reasons she went.
“The Council didn’t take it seriously, but the dark elves are planning an attack. They are close to the wildspont portal and they know some of the base's locations. I’m not sure which, but they will attack in two days’ time.”
I stare at Jessa, stunned into silence as the gravity of her words washes over me. Did the Council really foolishly dismiss Jessa's intel? And now the rest of us are in danger because of it.
"You're certain the dark elves spoke of striking the bases?" I ask urgently.
Jessa nods, her expression grave. "I'm positive. They were clear in their plans to assault soon."
I crush her slender frame against me in a fierce embrace, emotion threatening to choke me. "Thank the goddess you survived the Change to warn us, my love. You very well may have saved countless lives with this knowledge."
Jessa clings to me, still weak from her agonizing transformation. When I finally pull back, determination steels my voice and courses through my veins.
"We must alert the others immediately. All bases will need to begin preparing defenses and rallying forces. The dark elves will strike swiftly and brutally once they move."
I caress Jessa's pale cheek, pride and urgency warring within me. My newly turned mate endured such torment only to rise and forewarn us of a coming disaster. But there is no time for sentiment now. Action must be taken at once before it's too late and the dark elves come to drive us below ground again.
At least there is one blessing.
I turn to Jessa. "Raziel and Soren are likely still here. They wanted to properly celebrate your successful Change once you awoke." I pull her from the bed, testing her new legs. "We must find them at once before they depart."
“Let’s go.”
We dress as fast as we can, practically stumbling out the door in our haste. Jessa and I hurry through the corridors, our steps echoing urgently. Luckily, no one is inside to block our way.
But when we emerge into the moonlit courtyard, we are met by raucous cheers from the crowd gathered there. They whoop and holler at the sight of their newest vrakken sister, alive and transformed.
After a human is Changing, it is supposed to be a massive celebration. But as much as I want to rejoice in Jessa joining the coven, there are other matters that must be handled.