Page 11 of The Epilogue (Trinity Academy 5)
Kingsley shakes her head. “Again, we never talked about anything remotely close to us living together. I just looked at houses with you because it was fun.”
Confusion floors me because we’re not on the same page like I thought we were.
As the realization sinks in a new worry ripples through me. “You don’t want to live with me?”
A disgruntled look settles over her face. “Hold up.” She glares at me until I’m about to start squirming. “Dude, did you seriously just asked me to move in with you in the most unromantic asshat way humanly possible?”
Fuck. Did I?
Yep, I fucking did.
I school my face into the most apologetic expression I can conjure up. “It’s the shock of the news. Forget I just asked. I’ll do it better next time.”
Kingsley rolls her eyes at me. “You can’t undo it now.” She glances around the living room, then says, “As long as you know, I’m redecorating this whole place with your money. I’m not living in an oversized man cave.”
I don’t care if she pulls half the place down. “So it’s a yes? You’re moving in?”
She lets out a deep breath, then the smile I love so much begins to stretch across her face. “Yes, Mason.” Seconds later, the smile vanishes, and her eyes widen again. “Shit, we’re having a baby.”On the way back to the dorm, we decided to tell our friends before going to Mr. Hunt’s for dinner.
Sitting in the living room, Falcon watches me like a hawk while we wait for Lake and Lee to answer the video call.
“Is it bad news?” Layla asks Kingsley.
Before she can say anything, Lake finally answers. I stare at the screen, watching him chew on a bite he must’ve shoved into his mouth before accepting the call.
“Take your time. We can wait,” I growl, feeling annoyed.
Lee’s face pops up behind Lake’s shoulder. “Hey, guys.”
We all greet her at the same time, then we go back to staring at Lake.
“Can you swallow already,” I snap.
He gives me an angelic face but swallows the bite down. “What’s up?”
“Kingsley and I have some news,” I begin.
Lake interrupts me with a worried frown forming on his forehead. “You’re not breaking up, right?”
I’m just about to continue when Lake interrupts me again. “If you asked her to marry you while my ass is in Seoul, I’m going to beat the shit out of you.”
“Lake, for fuck’s sake. Shut up so I can talk,” I snap, the tension getting the better of me. Immediately feeling bad for the way I spoke to him, I say, “Sorry. It’s just really hard.”
I can feel a wave of worry ripple through our friends. “Kingsley’s pregnant.”
“Eomoe,” Lee gasps, and then a smile spreads over her face, and she begins to hit Lake's shoulder with excitement.
“Sorry, I think the jet lag is screwing with my hearing,” Lake mumbles in shock. “Did you just say Kingsley’s pregnant?”
“Holy shit,” Falcon whispers, his eyes locked on me. “I’m so not ready for this.”
Layla wacks him upside the head and scowls at him. “Seriously?”
Giving her a dumbfounded look, he complains, “Do you have any idea how grumpy Mason is when he’s sleep-deprived? You do know we’ll be the babysitters? Me… taking care of a baby.” He widens his eyes excessively, and it’s then I realize the fucker is pulling my leg. “I’m hosing little Chargill’s ass if he makes a poo.”
Glaring at Falcon, I growl, “Fucker.”
Dropping the act, his face lights up, and darting off the chair, he rushes toward me. I only have enough time to hand Kingsley the phone before Falcon yanks me up into one hell of a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you, and I was joking. I’ll have Layla change all the diapers.”
“Aww… Lake,” Kingsley croons tearfully. Pulling away from Falcon, my head snaps in her direction, and I watch as her eyes well with tears, while she says, “If you cry, it’s going to make me cry.”
I take the phone from her and Layla swoops in to hug Kingsley. Turning the screen so Falcon and I can both see Lake, emotion settles thickly in my throat as I watch Lake struggle to hold the tears back.
“Fuck,” I mutter because I know it’s a hopeless battle. The second the first tear rolls over Lake’s cheek, both Falcon and I follow.
Lake takes a couple of deep breaths, then he says, “I’m gonna be a grandpa.”
Through happy tears, we begin to chuckle. There’s a weight lifted off my shoulders now that Falcon and Lake know that I’m going to be a dad. With them, by my side, I won’t fuck this up.Kingsley“My mom says ginger works wonders for morning sickness,” Layla says as she places a pack of ginger cookies on the bed with a cup of peppermint tea.
I pull a disgusted face as I look at the beverage. “I’m going to die without coffee.”