Page 5 of Julian (Trinity Academy 4)
I can’t stop myself from scanning over the couple of guests still seated, hoping Jamie would be amongst them. I take the seat behind the piano and stare down at the keys feeling disappointed that she’s not here.
I close my eyes and lay my fingers on the keys, remembering what it felt like to have her hands beneath mine. There was something so sensual about playing the piano together while her soft scent drifted around me.
I take a couple of deep breaths, and when my hands begin to move, I feel some of the long day’s tension ease from my body. The piano notes fill the room, and once the intro’s done, I think about the welcoming ceremony, which will be held tomorrow. For the first time since Trinity Academy opened its doors, we’ve decided to showcase our music department during the welcoming ceremony.
None of my family knows I’ve taken part in setting up the program. I haven’t told Falcon or my father that I’ve started playing instruments again, but I hope it will be a pleasant surprise for them.
The first song they will be performing tomorrow makes me think of Jen. It’s been six years since she passed away, but time hasn’t done anything to wipe the memory of her from my mind or heart. We were engaged to be married before a freak car accident took her from me. I don’t think the shock of the sudden loss will ever stop rippling through my world.
Jen was much better than me when it came to playing instruments, and I always associated music with her.
I still do.
Being chairman of a billion-dollar empire is no easy task, and my love for music is the only thing that’s kept me from buckling under the severe pressure since I took over from my father. I have no idea how he managed the pressure for more than thirty years, and I can only hope I won’t end up destroying his life’s work.Chapter 2Jamie“Are we there yet?” Danny, my eight-year-old niece, asks where she’s sitting next to me. “Why couldn’t I stay with Uncle Ledge or Miss Sebastian?” she mumbles.
Out of all of Carter and Della’s friends, Rhett is Danny’s favorite uncle. She even has a nickname for him. She also took a liking to Miss Sebastian, another friend of the family. Then again, I’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t instantly fall in love with Miss Sebastian. She’s unique and the most inspiring person I know. Miss Sebastian was born male, but with Rhett and Marcus’ help, she underwent a gender reassignment surgery. I love how she doesn’t care what people think of her.
Della, my older sister, glances over her shoulder and smiles at her daughter. “Only five more minutes, and I already told you, Uncle Rhett and Miss Sebastian will meet us at the school.”
After a couple of minutes, Carter says, “There’s Trinity Academy. What do you think, Jamie?”
I glance up ahead, and my eyes widen. “Ahh… it looks like a five-star resort.”
Perfect green lawns stretch all the way to where they clash with the unspoiled beauty of the mountain terrain surrounding the campus. It seriously looks like a luxury hotel instead of a college.
Carter steers the car through heavy iron gates, and I take in the library on the right, a stretch of green lawn, and then we turn left into a parking area, and I get a full view of three impressive buildings.
“Apparently, the welcome ceremony is a big thing here at Trinity Academy,” Carter mentions as he steers us into an open parking spot.
We leave my baggage in the car for the time being. I’ll grab everything after the ceremony. Following Carter and Della, I glance around at the campus and students. A couple of times, I make eye-contact with another student, but when I smile, they just look the other way.
Okayyy… seems people are the same here as in New York.
Danny lets out a shriek of excitement and then bolts forward. A smile spreads over my face when I see our group of friends waiting for us to join them. Rhett catches Danny and swings her up into the air before kissing her cheek.
When all the guys form two rows, a lump begins to grow in my throat. It’s become a tradition for them to do this on the first day of school or work.
Della and Carter go to stand at the end of the line, and I turn my gaze to meet Miss Sebastian and her husband, Ryan, who are first.
“Aww… my angel-girl, look at you ruining my makeup,” Miss Sebastian groans, waving a hand in front of her tearing eyes.
I lean in and hug her tightly. “Thank you for being here today.”
In her usual eccentric way, the words burst from her, “Girl, of course, I’d be here. I have to make sure all these testosterone-fueled guys keep their ding-dongs in their pants, or I’ll shove my bedazzled heels up their assess.”