Page 28 of Julian (Trinity Academy 4)
We stare at each other, and it only makes the moment grow with more intensity, but then a guarded look settles on his face.
“Let’s not go there, Jamie.”
“Go where?” I ask, wanting to hear him say it. We might not have a chance at having a relationship, but I still want to hear him admit the attraction wasn’t one-sided.
He lets out a deep breath before saying, “You know where.”
I let out a burst of cynical laughter. “You can’t even admit it. I think it’s quite sad because our night together actually meant something to me.”
Hey, at least no one can fault me for not being honest.
Julian clears his throat, then murmurs, “I’m sorry I said being with you was a mistake.”
“Yeah, you don’t look like someone who makes mistakes,” I tease to lighten the air around us.
I place my pointer fingers on the F and G keys and press them four times before I stop, an eerie feeling rippling through me.
“This feels familiar,” I whisper, trying to remember where I learned it.
“Lisa taught you the first keys to Chopsticks the night you…” Julian’s words trail away and glancing up at him, I see a deep frown on his forehead. “You were out of it as if you were…” his eyes meet mine, and seeing the worry, I finish his sentence, “drugged.”
I drop my hands back to my lap as the fear comes trickling back into my heart.
“What…” I swallow hard on the lump forming in my throat. “What do I do if there’s really a creep out there who wants to hurt me?”
“We’ll catch him, Jamie,” Julian says with so much certainty I almost believe him.
I take a deep breath and let my eyes glance around the room, taking in the cello, a violin, a set of drums, and every other instrument in here while I try to get my emotions back under control.
“I hope so.” Forcing a smile around my lips, I ask, “Are you going to teach me Chopsticks?”
“Yes, it’s the easiest piece to learn with.”
I position my hands on the right keys and follow Julian’s instructions, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t focus and keep making mistakes.
“It’s okay. You’ll get the hang of it,” Julian says patiently.
“I’d rather you bite my head off. Being overly patient with me isn’t helping,” I say as I try the notes again. “It just reminds me that I might be in danger, and you’re so worried you’re forgetting to argue with me.”
To my surprise, Julian lets out a chuckle, then he growls, “Focus, Jamie. Don’t waste my time.”
I begin to laugh and give him a thankful smile, but it fades away when I see the concern coloring his irises black.
“I’m scared,” I whisper, the emotions all rushing back to suffocate me. “I’m so scared, Julian.”
Turning his body toward me, he pulls me into a hug, promising, “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Wrapping my arms around his waist, I bury my face against his chest and breathe in his spicy scent.
After a moment, I mumble, “I know I’ve been a pain in the butt, but thank you for supporting me through this nightmare.”
“You’re welcome.” He moves his hand to the back of my head and gently caresses my hair.
When minutes have passed, I pull back, giving Julian another grateful smile, then I say with a joking tone, “So much for the piano lesson.”
He shakes his head. “Tsk… at this rate, it’s going to take forever to teach you.”
“Well, I hope you have lots of time because I’m not giving up.”
Our bantering lightens the air and feeling better after the comfort Julian gave me, I actually manage to concentrate and learn a couple of notes.
After the lesson, Julian walks me back to the suite. When I open the door, he follows me inside, and I watch as he goes to check my room before walking back to where I am.
Smiling, I say, “Thank you for tonight. I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.”
He takes a step toward the hallway, and not wanting to miss the chance, I quickly hold a hand out to him. “Friends?”
The corner of his mouth lifts slightly as he takes my hand, his fingers closing warmly around mine. “Friends.”
“Enjoy the rest of your night,” I say as I pull my hand free.
“You too.”
After he leaves, I close the door and make sure to lock it before I walk to my room, thinking at least something good has come from this horrible ordeal.Chapter 16JulianSigning the documents Stephanie placed on my desk earlier, my head snaps up when the door to my office bursts open without a knock.
Mason rushes in, a dark scowl on his face, and it has me putting down the pen as I frown at him. “What’s wrong?”
“We officially have one hell of a big problem.” He takes a moment to catch his breath. “Preston just called me. He found cameras hidden in Jamie’s old suite. He tried to trace the feed, but it only shows that it’s coming from within the grounds of Trinity.”