Page 18 of Julian (Trinity Academy 4)
“No,” I lie as the door opens on my floor. “He just seems cold and arrogant.”
“So did Falcon,” Layla says. “Until I got to know him better.”
The girls walk with me, and I let us into my suite.
“All the Reyes’ men are like that,” Layla continues when we take a seat. “They all put up a front to the world, but once you get past it, you’ll see they’re actually caring.”
Yeah, no way I can see Julian being caring.
He did bring you Gatorade the other day.
And made sure you got safely back to your suit.
Still, that was because he felt obligated to.
“He was engaged to Mason’s older sister,” Kingsley gives me more information about Julian. “She passed away before their wedding.”
What? Holy cow!
Understanding begins to dawn in my heart. Having lost so many of my own loved ones, I know how much it hurts.
“From what Falcon told me, Julian closed off after Jennifer passed,” Layla murmurs, a sad look on her face. “Things have gotten better, though.”
“So, you’re telling me the coldhearted jerk routine is all an act?” I ask, wondering if my first impression of Julian was an actual peek behind the wall he has up around him.
The night of our one-night-stand Julian was a gentleman. We laughed and talked about the most random topics, and later, he was amazing in bed. Remembering the night reminds me of what I felt back then before our fight squashed all the fuzzy feelings like a bug.
“Yep, it’s all an act if you ask me,” Layla confirms. “Don’t let him fool you into believing otherwise.”
“Still, he’s the chairman of CRC. I think Carter would have a heart attack if I just looked in Julian’s direction,” I state the facts because even if I liked the man, there’s no way we could be together.
“Why wouldn’t your brother-in-law approve of Julian?” Kingsley asks. “I’d think it would actually help solidify the partnership.”
“Kingsley has a point.” Layla pins me with a serious look. “Besides, it’s no one’s choice to make but your own. If I had listened to people, I wouldn’t have Falcon now.”
“I know.”
If I’m honest with myself, I’m only using Carter as a barrier to hide behind. I just don’t want to open myself up for potential hurt. What if I let a man into my life, and we end up separating like Della and Carter did? I might not be as lucky as them to get a second chance at love with the man.
Or what if things work out and I lose him the way I lost my parents, and Julian lost Jennifer?
What if I get cancer like Mom?
There are too many what ifs.
“I’m just not looking for a relationship right now,” I say, needing to end this conversation.
“Well, just say the word, and we’ll help set you up with someone,” Kingsley says as she gets up. “I’m gonna go take that nap now.”
“Thanks for today. It was fun, and I hope we get to do it again soon,” I say as I let them out.
“Oh,” Layla turns before I can shut the door, “remember dinner tomorrow night with the group. You can ride with us.”
“Thanks, it’s at seven, right?” I ask, to be sure.
“Yeah, see you then.”
I wave at the girls before I push the door closed, then walk to my room so I can put on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt.
Pulling the drawer open, I frown when instead of sweats, I see my underwear.
Opening the other drawers, nothing is where I put it.
“What the hell?”
Glancing around the room, I notice my alarm clock is on the other stand. As I move around the suite, my worry begins to grow when I find one thing after the other that’s been moved from where I placed it.
“Someone was in here,” I whisper as my anxiety spikes. Grabbing my phone from where I left it to charge, I immediately leave the suite and rush out of the building. Once I’m outside, I run towards the office so I can report it.Chapter 10JulianI frown when my personal phone starts ringing. I come into work on Saturdays because it’s quiet and I get a lot more done than during the week.
Seeing it’s Falcon, I answer, “Hi, what’s wrong?”
“Do I only call you when somethings wrong?”
“Yes.” I lean back, a smile forming on my face.
“I’ll change that, but first, we just got a call from the security team at Trinity. Someone has broken into Jamie’s suite. Mason, Lake, and I are on our way to deal with it. I just thought you should know.”
Frowning, I get up from my chair. “Have them check the campus’ security footage. I’ll meet you there.”
“Don’t worry, you don’t need to come.”
“I’m already on my way. See you in ten minutes.”
I cut the call and jog to the elevator. Once I get to my car, I wonder whether I should let Carter know. I don’t want to cause him unnecessary worry.